Docs » Manage users and teams » Create and manage users in Splunk Observability Cloud » View, copy, or update your user settings

View, copy, or update your user settings 🔗

  • To help you work with the times displayed in the Splunk Observability Cloud UI, set your local time zone. The default time zone is the same as the one you’ve set in your browser.

  • Many features of Splunk Observability Cloud use colors to display patterns in data. To help you interpret these colors, set a color palette that matches your visual accessibility needs.

Set these options in your user profile.

Change time zone or color accessibility settings 🔗

To view or change your time zone or color accessibility settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the Splunk Observability Cloud main menu, select Settings.

  2. Select your user name at the top of the Settings menu.

  3. On the App Preferences tab, you can see or update your time zone or color accessibility selection:

    • To view or update your time zone, use the Time Zone list.

    • To optimize your color settings for accessibility, use the Color Accessibility list.

      • To optimize your color settings for types of red-green color deficiency (deuteranopia or protanopia), select Red and Green.

      • To optimize your color settings for yellow-blue color deficiency (tritanopia),select Yellow and Blue.

This page was last updated on May 28, 2024.