Docs » Get started with the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector » Discover telemetry sources automatically » Automatic discovery and configuration for Kubernetes » Tutorial: Capture traces from a Java application in Kubernetes » Part 3: View your data in Splunk APM

Part 3: View your data in Splunk APM đź”—

Before you can view data in Splunk Application Performance Monitoring (APM), make sure that the application is active and generating data. Send requests to the application through cURL or interact with the application’s UI to generate activity.

Follow these steps to start viewing your data:

  1. Navigate to the Splunk Observability Cloud home page.

  2. Select APM.

  3. Search for your service by using the Environment filter or by entering your service name in the search bar. It might take a few minutes for your service to appear in APM.

The spring-petclinic service appears in the results:

The Spring Petclinic service appears as a search result in the APM page.

Next, select the service. A page with detailed APM data opens:

A view of the Splunk APM data for the Spring Petclinic service.

You’ve now successfully deployed and instrumented a Java application in Kubernetes, and you can now see your data in Splunk APM.

See the Learn more section for additional resources about Splunk APM and Splunk automatic discovery and configuration.

Learn more đź”—

See Introduction to Splunk APM to learn how to use Splunk APM to gather insights about your data.

See Discover telemetry sources automatically for more information about automatic discovery.

This page was last updated on Apr 24, 2024.