Docs » Use navigators in Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring » Customize dashboards in Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring navigators

Customize dashboards in Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring navigators đź”—


You must be an admin user to perform the tasks described in this topic.

Apart from modifying parameters for the data that you view and monitor in a navigator as explained in Customize navigator display, you can also use navigator customization to modify the set of dashboards associated with a navigator. Dashboard customization persists across sessions and applies to all users viewing the involved navigator.

You can apply custom dashboard settings to both the aggregate view of all navigators for a specific techhology, and the more focused instance view of navigators that focuses on one navigator at a time. A label next to the title of the Navigator settings page identifies whether you’re working with an aggregate view or an instance view. For example, if you have an EC2 environment, you’d monitor all active EC2 hosts using aggregate view, and a particular host using instance view.

Use Manage navigator dashboards to find dashboards that you can add to the set associated with a navigator.

As an admin user, you can access Manage navigator dashboards in either of the following ways:

  • From the drop-down menu displayed when you select the gear icon on the Infrastructure Navigabor home page.

  • From the ellipses at the right side of a navigator title bar.

Either access method opens the Navigator settings page, from which you can select up to 10 dashboards to display in the navigator. Current dashboards are listed in a table that displays them by name.

To add one or more dashboards to the default dashboard set for a navigator, do the following from the Navigator settings page:

  1. Click on +Add dashboard.

  2. Scroll through the list of dashboards, using the Prev and Next buttons to navigate through multiple pages as desired. All available dashboards are displayed in alphabetical order, so the dashboard list might be extensive.

  3. (Optional) In the search field of the Select a dashboard window, enter the name of the dashboard you want to find. If dashboards in different groups have the same name, as they might for a common function like “Service endpoint,” then search displays the part of the dashboard list where similar names are grouped.

  4. (Optional) Use the buttons next to the search field to apply either of the following filters:

    • Created by me

    • Favorites

  5. Click on the name of the dashboard you want to add to the navigator.

  6. Click Select at the bottom right of the listing window.

  7. (Optional) Repeat steps 2 through 5 to add additional dashboards to the navigator.

  8. (Optional) To change the dashboard display order on the navigator’s home page, drag a dashboard name up or down in the dashboard list.

  9. Click Save changes to confirm and apply your choices.

If you select Reset to built-in dashboards rather than Save changes, then your system resets to the original state of the navigator without any customization.

To hide a dashboard from view without disassociating it from a navigator, open the Dashboards list and click on the eye symbol shown to the right of the dashboard namew. When a dashboard is hidden, the eye symbol has a slash through it and the dashboard name displays with its name grayed out.

Built-in dashboards đź”—

Built-in dashboards ship with particular navigators as part of a default set. In dashboard lists, they have a Built-in label next to their names. A dashboard with a Limited access label is associated with an access control list (ACL), and might not be visible to all users.

Custom dashboards đź”—

Custom dashboards are monitoring tools that you add to the built-in dashboard set when you modify (customize) navigators to more closely match the needs of your end-to-end computing environment.

This page was last updated on Nov 14, 2023.