What's new in Dashboard Studio
Stay up to date with new features and functionality in Splunk Dashboard Studio.
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.3.2408
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Version history | If you have edit permissions, the following are ways you can interact with versions:
For more details, see Track and maintain dashboard changes with version history. |
Browse saved searches within dashboards | You can browse saved searches from within your dashboards. For more details, see Browse saved searches from the dashboard. |
Optimized rendering | You can improve the performance of your dashboard by reducing the amount of data rendered. For more details, see Optimize the rendering of high density charts. |
Collapse Splunk Platform and app bars | You can collapse the Splunk Platform and app navigation bars to maximize space for dashboard content. For more details, see Apply view mode settings for dashboards. |
Dashboard tabs improvements | The following are interactions you can have with dashboard tabs:
For more details, see Create multiple views with tabs. |
Add interactions to Sankey diagrams | You can apply interactions to Sankey diagrams. |
Time filtering on charts | You can select a section on a time series chart to zoom into a new time range. |
Alignment for single value and table options | The following are ways you can align the data in a single value or table visualization:
Observability metrics for Splunk Observability Cloud | Splunk Observability Cloud customers can display observability metrics in their dashboards. For more details, see Observability metrics in Dashboard Studio. |
Updated implementation for scheduled export | This updated implementation uses Chromium by default to render exports. Switch off the activate_chromium_legacy_export setting in your web-features.conf file to revert to the legacy export implementation.
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.2.2406
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Create dashboards from the Examples Hub | You can select an example dashboard and copy the dashboard definition for your own use without selecting and dragging to highlight an entire dashboard definition. |
Add multiple tabs to dashboards | You can create multiple views in a dashboard with tabs. |
Single value radial gauge | You can add a gauge to single value radials to illustrate the value in relationship to the entirety of the metrics. |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.2.2403
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Schedule PNG exports of dashboards | Schedule a PNG export of your dashboards for email delivery. For more details, see Download and schedule email exports of dashboard content for sharing. |
Maps support for scheduled exports | You can use map visualizations in dashboards scheduled for email export. |
Search based tokens support for scheduled exports | You can use tokens set from search results or search job metadata in dashboards scheduled for email export. |
Change and edit tags in the events viewer visualization | You can change and edit any tags from any events viewer visualization. |
Change the text color of titles and descriptions | You can customize the text color of dashboard panel titles and descriptions with the titleColor and descriptionColor options in the source code. The options accept hexadecimal and RGBA formats, and can also be defined in the dashboard defaults.
Reference choropleth SVGs with relative URLs | You can reference custom choropleth SVGs with relative URLs. |
Add multiple interactions and reorder interactions | You can add multiple interactions and reorder interactions in the Interactions section of the Configuration panel. Order interactions based on their sequence of execution. |
Conversion dashboard for Classic Simple XML dashboards scheduled for email export | A dashboard called Scheduled export is now available for Dashboard Studio. The dashboard lists all Classic Simple XML dashboards scheduled for email export and ready for conversion to Dashboard Studio. The dashboard has instructions on the conversion process. |
New Dashboard Examples Hubs dashboards | You can find the Application Service Health Monitoring dashboard and the Buttercup Battle Top Players dashboard in the Dashboard Examples Hub. |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1.2312
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Schedule PDF exports of dashboards | You can schedule a PDF export of your dashboards for email delivery. For more details, see Download and schedule email exports of dashboard content for sharing. |
Set the same tokens with inputs and drilldowns | You can use inputs and drilldowns to set the same tokens. For example, if a drilldown sets a token that is also set by an input, the input will take on the value of the drilldown. |
Round the corners of visualizations | You can round the corners of your visualization by adjusting the corner radius. |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1.2308
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Directly add new or existing reports and saved searches to Dashboard Studio | You can add reports and saved searches to your Dashboard Studio dashboard from the Reports and Search pages. For more details, see Use reports and saved searches with ds.savedSearch |
Conditionally show or hide panels in the grid layout | You can organize your dashboard by conditionally showing or hiding panels based on data availability in the grid and absolute layout. For more details, see Conditionally show or hide panels |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2305
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Link to saved or custom searches | You can configure a link to a saved or custom search from a dashboard. For example, during an investigative workflow, you can click on a dashboard element that opens an associated saved search in a new tab. |
Workflow actions for the events viewer visualization | You can configure workflow actions with your events viewer visualizations. For more details, see Events viewer. |
Simple XML to Dashboard studio post-conversion report | After converting a Simple XML dashboard to Dashboard Studio, a post-conversion report lists dashboard elements that need manual updating. For more details, see About conversion from Simple XML to Dashboard Studio. |
Larger code editor in the Configuration panel | You can expand the source code editor in the Configuration panel to modify the source code of your dashboard. |
Trellis layout for single value visualizations | You can apply a trellis layout for single value, single value icon, and single value radial visualizations. For more details, see Trellis layout. |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2303
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Feature flag for external content warning in Simple XML and Dashboard Studio dashboards | This flag controls whether users receive warnings for external content from untrusted domains. For more details, see External content and redirection feature settings. |
Export the data results of any visualization to a CSV | You can export the data results of any visualization, including search results from base and chain searches, to a CSV for a shareable compact file format. For more details, see Download a visualization. |
Updated base search refresh behavior | Base searches no longer need to refresh if only an associated chain search SPL changes. For example, if a chain search SPL changes due to a token value change, and the base search does not change, then the base search doesn't refresh. Only the associated chain search SPL changes. This update improves performance and reduces resource consumption. For more details, see Chain searches together with a base search and chain searches. |
Chain search creation increases from two to ten | You can create up to ten chain searches instead of the original two. For more details, see Chain searches together with a base search and chain searches. |
Improved readability of dashboard definitions in Views | Instead of a single line of code, the JSON dashboard definition has expanded into multiple lines with indentations. You can find a dashboard's definition in User interface under the admin Settings on the Views page. |
New Auto display mode option for dashboards | Auto display mode is the default for new dashboards and selects the best zoom level, up to 100%, for your dashboard's visibility. Manually zooming in and out will override the auto display mode. Select Auto in the zoom dropdown list to reset to Auto display mode. For more details, see Set up a dashboard. |
Inputs now available in the canvas | You can place inputs directly in a dashboard canvas and also resize the inputs. For more details, see Adding and configuring inputs. |
Show or hide panels in Absolute layout | You can configure dashboards to conditionally show or hide panels in Absolute layout, depending on whether data is available to display. For more details, see Conditionally show or hide panels. |
Choropleth map layers for map visualizations | You can apply choropleth map layers to map visualizations in addition to the existing bubble and marker layers. For more details, see Maps. |
Configuration UI for axes charts | Axes charts, such as bar, line, and scatter, have new configuration UI for most options previously only available via source code. |
Events viewer visualization | You can view event data and interact with field-value pairs with the events viewer visualization. Workflow actions and special parameters are not supported in this release. For more details, see Events viewer. |
Interactions now supported on Markdown | When Markdown text has associated tokens, your cursor can hover over and select the text for token setting. |
Data sources indicate when they're unused | Unused data sources have their names turned a lighter shade of gray, and the words "(Unused)" attached. |
Dashboards automatically produce the same theme preferences as the creating user's theme preferences | Any new dashboard you create keeps its theme consistent with your theme preference. The theme stays constant with the original specified theme during creation and only changes if manually updated. The theme doesn't automatically switch to the viewing user's preferred theme. |
New naming convention for visualizations and searches | Unnamed visualizations and searches will receive more descriptive names when you add visualizations from search or convert visualizations from Simple XML. For example, if a dashboard has two unnamed tables, those tables update to Table 1 and Table 2 instead of "Unnamed". |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2209
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Token usage improvements | The following are new improvements for tokens:
Add rectangle shapes to grid layout dashboards | Apply rectangle shapes to grid layout dashboards to add padding or empty space. |
Open in Search link | When editing a search in the data source editor, you can select Open in Search to open a new tab in Search with your search's SPL. |
View dashboards from mobile device | You can view dashboards on mobile devices with a QR code. For more details, see View dashboards on a mobile device. |
Dashboards Trusted Domains List enforcement | External content domains not listed in the Dashboards Trusted Domains List will be blocked. For more details, see Configure Dashboards Trusted Domains List. |
Inspect visualization panel | You can inspect specific visualization panels to launch the job inspector to check search performance or search ID. |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2208
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Map visualization improvements | The following are new enhancements for the map visualization.
For more details, see Maps. |
Markdown font size option | You can specify a font size in Markdown. For more details, see Use Markdown to add text, links, and images. |
Table visualization improvements | You can adjust the width of a table's column and change the font size of a cell. For more details, see Table. |
Edit permissions from View mode | You can edit permissions while viewing a dashboard instead of navigating to the listing page to change the permissions. |
Set tokens for Single Value Icon visualization. | You can use drilldown to set tokens for the Single Value Icon visualization. For more details, see Setting tokens on a visualization click. |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2205
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Drilldown feature for map visualizations | Map visualizations now have drilldowns available for setting tokens, linking dashboards, and linking custom URLs. |
Warnings for external URLs | Warnings will appear when an image uses an external URL not listed in the Dashboards Image Allow List. For more details, see Configure dashboards image allow list and Content Security Policy setting in the Admin Manual. |
Additional search job metdata for token usage | The following search job metadata are available for using as tokens:
Placeholder image updates | Placeholder images now have a new default image. |
Search status updates | Status icons on visualizations will now provide more detailed information. |
What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 8.2.2203
This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Set a home page dashboard | You can set a Dashboard Studio dashboard as your home page dashboard. In View mode, navigate to the Actions dropdown and select Set As Home Dashboard. |
Link to other dashboards | You can link to other dashboards and pass tokens from one dashboard to the next. For more details, see Linking interactions. |
Create cluster maps | Dashboard Studio now supports cluster maps with bubble and marker layers. For more details, see Maps. |
Configure dynamic coloring by matching values | Using the UI or source code, you can configure each element in a data series to find a corresponding color value and return the matched value. For more details, see Formatting functions. |
Updated match value | You can now match string values in addition to numerical ranges. |
Set tokens from search results | You can set tokens from search results or search job metadata. For more details, see Setting tokens from search results or search job metadata. |
Convert a Simple XML dashboard to a Dashboard Studio dashboard | About the Splunk Dashboard Studio tutorial |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release)
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