Splunk® Style Guide

Splunk Style Guide

The guidelines in the Splunk Style Guide establish best practices for writing technical documentation. Search docs.splunk.com to find documentation related to Splunk products.

Exclamation points

It's okay to use exclamation points in programming and scripting languages, .conf files, and Search Processing Language (SPL) searches, but do not use exclamation points as terminal punctuation in Splunk documentation or UI text.

Exclamatory statements are better suited for blog posts and marketing materials.

See the following examples of acceptable and unacceptable exclamation points:

Do this
  • When you want to exclude results from your search, you can use the NOT operator or the != field expression.
  • You can specify dimensions, properties, or tags that you want to exclude from the results. Enter an exclamation point ( ! ) in the filter field to represent a Boolean NOT operator.
Don't do this
  • Learn more about Search Processing Language (SPL) here!
  • Return to the home page!
  • The Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Ruby is a beta feature subject to future changes!
Last modified on 05 March, 2024
Ellipses   Parentheses

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Style Guide: current

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