Docs » Get started with the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector » Collector deployment tools and options » Deploy the Collector with Chef

Deploy the Collector with Chef 🔗

Chef is a configuration management technology used to manage infrastructure on physical or virtual machines. Chef uses cookbooks to define a scenario.

Cookbooks are fundamental working units of Chef, which consists of all the details related to working units, having the capability to modify configuration and the state of any system configured as a node on Chef infrastructure. Cookbooks can run multiple tasks.

Prerequisites 🔗

You need the following resources to use Chef:

Linux 🔗

The following Linux distributions and versions:

  • Amazon Linux: 2

  • CentOS, Red Hat, Oracle: 7, 8, 9

  • Debian: 9, 10, 11

  • SUSE: 12, 15 (Note: Only for Collector versions 0.34.0 or higher. Log collection with Fluentd not currently supported.)

  • Ubuntu: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

Windows 🔗

The following Windows versions. All versions require using PowerShell 3.0 or newer.

  • Windows Server 2019 64-bit

  • Windows Server 2022 64-bit


On Windows, the Collector is installed as a Windows service and its environment variables are set at the service scope, so they’re only available to the Collector service and not to the entire machine.

Install and use the Collector with Chef 🔗

Download the Chef cookbook from the Chef Supermarket , which is the site for community cookbooks.

To install the Collector, include the splunk_otel_collector::default recipe in the run_list, and set the attributes on the node’s run_state. The following is an example configuration that shows how to configure the required splunk_access_token attribute and some optional attributes:

    "splunk-otel-collector": {
        "splunk_access_token": "<SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN>",
        "splunk_realm": "<SPLUNK_REALM>",

Attributes for Linux 🔗

For Linux, the cookbook accepts the attributes described in the following table:



Default value


Version of the Collector package to install, for example, 0.25.0. The version should correspond to Github Releases without the preceding v. Note that on Linux, the latest Collector version is installed if this parameter is not specified.



Replaces splunk_ballast_size_mib starting in Collector version 0.97.0. It allows limiting memory usage in the GO runtime, helping enhance garbage collection and prevent out of memory situations. Learn more at how to update memory ballast in your configuration.

90% of splunk_total_mem_mib


The Splunk access token to authenticate requests. This attribute is required.



Which realm to send the data to, for example, us0. The Splunk ingest and API URLs are inferred by this value. The SPLUNK_REALM environment variable is set with this value for the collector service. This attribute is required. To find your Splunk realm, see Note about realms.



Sets the Splunk ingest URL explicitly instead of the URL inferred by the $splunk_realm parameter. The SPLUNK_INGEST_URL environment variable is set with this value for the Collector service.



Sets the Splunk API URL explicitly instead of the URL inferred by the $splunk_realm parameter. The SPLUNK_API_URL environment variable is set with this value for the Collector service.



Sets the Splunk trace endpoint URL explicitly instead of the URL inferred by the $splunk_ingest_url parameter. The SPLUNK_TRACE_URL environment variable is set with this value for the Collector service.



The path to the Smart Agent bundle directory. The default path is provided by the Collector package. If the specified path is changed from the default value, the path should be an existing directory on the node. The SPLUNK_BUNDLE_DIR environment variable is set to this value for the Collector service.



The path to the collectd configuration directory for the Smart Agent bundle. The default path is provided by the Collector package. If the specified path is changed from the default value, the path should be an existing directory on the node. The SPLUNK_COLLECTD_DIR environment variable is set to this value for the Collector service.



Total memory in MIB to allocate to the Collector; automatically calculates the ballast size. The SPLUNK_MEMORY_TOTAL_MIB environment variable is set to this value for the Collector service.



splunk_ballast_size_mib is deprecated starting on Collector version 0.97.0. If you’re using it, see how to update your configuration.



The source path to the Collector configuration YAML file. This file is copied to the $collector_config_dest path on the node. See the source attribute of the file resource for the supported value types. The default source file is provided by the Collector package.



Destination path of the Collector configuration file on the node. The SPLUNK_CONFIG environment variable is set with this value for the Collector service.



The Collector configuration object. Everything underneath this object gets directly converted to YAML and becomes the Collector configuration file. Using this option preempts collector_config_source functionality.


service_user and $service_group

Sets the user or group ownership for the Collector service. The user or group is created if they do not exist.



The Collector package repository stage to use. Can be release, beta, or test.



Whether to install or manage Fluentd and dependencies for log collection. On Linux, the dependencies include capng_c for activating Linux capabilities, fluent-plugin-systemd for systemd journal log collection, and the required libraries and development tools.



Version of the td-agent (Fluentd) package to install

3.7.1 for Debian stretch and 4.3.1 for all other Linux distros


Source path to the Fluentd configuration file. This file is copied to the $fluentd_config_dest path on the node. See the source attribute of the file resource for the supported value types. The default source file is provided by the Collector package. Only applicable if $with_fluentd is set to true.



Destination path to the Fluentd configuration file on the node. Only applicable if $with_fluentd is set to true.


Configure automatic discovery for Java and Node.js (Linux only) 🔗

You can automatically instrument your Java and Node.js applications along with the Collector installation using automatic discovery. Automatic discovery removes the need to install and configure OpenTelemetry agents separately. See Discover telemetry sources automatically for more information. The applications to be instrumented on the node need to be started or restarted separately after installation or any configuration changes for automatic discovery to take effect.

The following table shows the variables that can be configured with this Chef cookbook:



Default value


Whether to install or manage automatic discovery for Java and Node.js. When set to true, the splunk-otel-auto-instrumentation deb/rpm package is downloaded and installed from the Collector repository. To learn more, see Automatic discovery and configuration for back-end applications in Linux.



Version of the splunk-otel-auto-instrumentation package to install, for example, 0.50.0. The minimum supported version is 0.48 for Java and 0.87.0 for Node.js.



Whether to activate and configure the automatic discovery for systemd services only. If set to true, the automatic discovery environment variables are added to /usr/lib/systemd/system.conf.d/00-splunk-otel-auto-instrumentation.conf.



By default, the /etc/ file on the node is configured for the /usr/lib/splunk-instrumentation/ shared object library provided by the splunk-otel-auto-instrumentation package and is required for system-wide automatic discovery. Configure this variable to include additional library paths, for example, /path/to/



Configure the OpenTelemetry instrumentation resource attributes, for example, deployment.environment=prd,my.key=my.value (comma-separated string of key=value pairs). The specified resource attributes are added to the /etc/splunk/zeroconfig/node.conf configuration file on the node, or /usr/lib/systemd/system.conf.d/00-splunk-otel-auto-instrumentation.conf if using the systemd installation method.



Explicitly sets the service name for all instrumented applications on the node, for example, my.service. By default, the service name is automatically derived for each instrumented application. However, if this variable is set to a non-empty value, the value overrides the derived service names.



Activates or deactivates AlwaysOn CPU Profiling. To learn more, see Node.js settings for AlwaysOn Profiling.



Activates or deactivates AlwaysOn Memory Profiling. To learn more, see Node.js settings for AlwaysOn Profiling.



Activates or deactivates exporting instrumentation metrics.



Sets the OTLP gRPC endpoint that receives traces. Only applicable for OpenTelemetry Collector versions 0.87.0 and higher.


The automatic discovery language SDKs to install and activate.

%w(java nodejs)


Path to the Splunk OpenTelemetry Java agent. The default path is provided by the splunk-otel-auto-instrumentation package. If the path is changed from the default value, the path should be an existing file on the node.



The path to the pre-installed npm command, e.g. /my/custom/path/to/npm.


Configure automatic discovery for SignalFx .NET (Windows only) 🔗

You can automatically instrument your .NET applications along with the Collector installation using automatic discovery. Automatic discovery removes the need to install and configure the SignalFx .NET agent separately. See Discover telemetry sources automatically for more information.

The cookbook accepts the attributes described in the following table:



Default value


Whether to install or manage automatic discovery for .NET. When set to true, the signalfx-dotnet-tracing MSI package will be downloaded and installed, and the Windows registry will be updated based on other configuration options. To learn more, see Automatic discovery for back-end applications in Windows



Version of the signalfx-dotnet-tracing MSI package to download and install.



Specify the URL to download the MSI from a custom host, for example If specified, the signalfx_dotnet_auto_instrumentation_version option is ignored.{{ signalfx_dotnet_auto_instrumentation_version }}/signalfx-dotnet-tracing-{{ signalfx_dotnet_auto_instrumentation_version }}-x64.msi


By default, the iisreset.exe command will be executed after installation/configuration in order for any changes to take effect for IIS applications. Set this option to false to skip this step if IIS is managed separately or is not applicable.



Whether to configure automatic discovery for all .NET applications on the node. When set to true, all attributes and environment variables are added to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment registry key.



Sets the deployment environment variable that is reported to Splunk APM, for example production. The value is assigned to the SIGNALFX_ENV environment variable in the Windows registry.



Sets the service name for the instrumented application, for example, my-service. The value is assigned to the SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME environment variable in the Windows registry.



Activates or deactivates AlwaysOn Profiling. The value will be assigned to the SIGNALFX_PROFILER_ENABLED environment variable in the Windows registry.



Activates or deactivates AlwaysOn Memory Profiling. The value will be assigned to the SIGNALFX_PROFILER_MEMORY_ENABLED environment variable in the Windows registry.



Hash of additional options to be added to the Windows registry in addition to the options above. To learn more, see Configure the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET.


Additional environment variables 🔗

Use collector_additional_env_vars to include any additional environment variables from the Collector configuration file for the Collector’s service. {} by default.

For example, if the Collector’s configuration file includes references to ${MY_CUSTOM_VAR1} and ${MY_CUSTOM_VAR2}, specify the following to allow the Collector service to expand these variables:

collector_additional_env_vars: {'MY_CUSTOM_VAR1' => 'value1', 'MY_CUSTOM_VAR2' => 'value2'}

On Linux, the variables/values will be added to the /etc/otel/collector/splunk-otel-collector.conf systemd environment file.

On Windows, the variables/values will be added to the Environment value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splunk-otel-collector registry key.