Docs » Correlate traces to track Business Workflows » Example Business Workflow configuration

Example Business Workflow configuration 🔗

Available in Enterprise Edition

Suppose you want to identify every trace that goes through service.example. To do this, create a Business Workflow. The following example creates a service rule for service.example that creates workflows based on endpoints for the service.

Prerequisite 🔗

To configure Business Workflows, you must have the admin role.

Steps 🔗

  1. Go to Data Configuration > Business Workflow.

  2. Select New Rule.

  3. Select Service for the Rule Type.

  4. Select service.example for the Target Service.

  5. Confirm that the Source of Workflow Name is set to Matched service:endpoint. If it is not, select Matched service:endpoint from the menu.

  6. Select Create to save your changes and create the rule.

  7. View the list of rules to confirm that the rule you just created is turned on. If it is not, use the toggle next to the rule name to turn on the rule.

  8. To evaluate a trace against the rule set and generate a name for the workflow, copy and paste a trace ID into the Rule Tester field.

  9. By default, the newest rule has the highest priority. This means Splunk APM applies the new rule before applying any other rules. If there are other rules you want to apply first, adjust the priority of the new rule.

  10. Select Save Changes to apply the new rule and priority list.

This page was last updated on Jan 22, 2024.