Docs » Correlate traces to track Business Workflows » Create Business Workflow alerts

Create Business Workflow alerts 🔗

Available in Enterprise Edition

You can use detectors to monitor your Business Workflows for errors or latencies. Detectors send alerts to notify you of unexpected or problematic behavior before it negatively impacts application performance in your business-critical transactions.

For workflow error rate, you can configure a detector to alert on the following conditions by default:

  • Static threshold surpassed

  • Sudden change

For workflow duration, you can configure a detector to alert on the following conditions by default:

  • Static threshold surpassed

  • Sudden change

  • Historical anomaly

You can use the Create Detector guided setup to fine-tune settings such as trigger threshold, trigger sensitivity, and cycle length for each of the conditions. You can also control the alert message, set the severity, and select alert recipients.

Prerequisite 🔗

  • At least one Business Workflow rule has been configured by a Splunk APM administrator in your Splunk Observability Cloud account.

  • You’re using the enterprise-level product offering.

Create a Business Workflow alert 🔗

You can use the same Create Detector guided setup to set up either service alerts or Business Workflow alerts, depending on the type of signal that you choose to monitor.

To create a Business Workflow alert, do the following:

  1. Select the + icon in the top bar to open the Create New… dropdown and select Detector.

  2. Under Detector Name in the dialog box, enter a name for your detector and select Create Alert Rule. The Create Detector guided setup opens.

  3. Under Type, select the tile for APM Metrics Alert Rule and then select Proceed to Alert Signal.

  4. Under Environment, select an environment from the menu.

  5. Under Signal, select one of the following types of signals corresponding to Business Workflows:

    • Workflow Error Rate

    • Workflow Duration

  6. Under Business Workflow, select a workflow you’d like to alert on by doing any of the following:

    • Enter the Business Workflow name.

    • Select the Business Workflow from among those in the dropdown.

    • Enter a string of characters followed by an asterisk to display all workflow names that start with that string and then select the one you’d like to alert on.

    The workflow you select displays as a pill in the Business Workflow column.

  7. (Optional) Select Add Filter to add a filter to your metric.

  8. (Optional) Select Add Workflow to expand the scope of your detector to alert on additional workflows. You can add as many workflows as needed, one at a time.

  9. Select Proceed to Alert Condition. Continue to follow the steps in the Create Detector guided setup to select your alert condition and fine-tune your alert settings based on the condition you selected, as well as set an alert message, select alert recipients, and save your detector.

This page was last updated on Jan 22, 2024.