Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Instrument back-end applications to send spans to Splunk APM » Instrument Python applications for Splunk Observability Cloud » Connect Python trace data with logs for Splunk Observability Cloud

Connect Python trace data with logs for Splunk Observability Cloud 🔗

You can configure the logging module of Python standard library to include tracing attributes provided automatically by the Splunk OTel Python agent. Use the trace metadata to correlate traces with log events and explore logs in Splunk.

To include trace metadata in application logs, follow these steps:

Include trace metadata in log statements 🔗

The Splunk OTel Python agent provides the following attributes for the logging module in the standard library:

  • Trace information: otelTraceID and otelSpanID

  • Resource attributes: otelServiceName

The integration uses the following logging format by default:

%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] [trace_id=%(otelTraceID)s span_id=%(otelSpanID)s] - %(message)s

Customize format and level of log statements 🔗

You can change the format and level of log statements by setting the following environment variables:


  • OTEL_PYTHON_LOG_LEVEL: Options are info, error, debug, and warning

Alternatively, you can pass new values to the LoggingInstrumentor as arguments:

  • LoggingInstrumentor(logging_format='%(msg)s [span_id=%(span_id)s]')

  • LoggingInstrumentor(log_level=logging.DEBUG)

Deactivate log correlation 🔗

To deactivate the injection of trace metadata, set the OTEL_PYTHON_LOG_CORRELATION environment variable to false.

This page was last updated on Dec 19, 2023.