Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Instrument back-end applications to send spans to Splunk APM » Send traces from Istio to Splunk Observability Cloud

Send traces from Istio to Splunk Observability Cloud πŸ”—

Istio 1.8 and higher has native support for observability. You can configure your Istio service mesh to send traces, metrics, and logs to Splunk Observability Cloud by configuring the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector and Istio.

Requirements πŸ”—

To send telemetry from Istio to Splunk Observability Cloud you need the following:

  • Istio 1.8 and higher

  • Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector for Kubernetes in host monitoring (agent) mode. See Install the Collector for Kubernetes using Helm.

  • Splunk APM instrumentation with B3 context propagation. To set B3 as the context propagator, set the OTEL_PROPAGATORS environment variable to b3multi.

OpenCensus and W3C trace context are not supported because Istio does not support them.

Install and configure the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector πŸ”—

Deploy the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector for Kubernetes in host monitoring (agent) mode. The required Collector components depend on product entitlements and the data you want to collect. See Install the Collector for Kubernetes using Helm.

In the Helm chart for the Collector, set the autodetect.istio parameter to true by passing --set autodetect.istio=true to the helm install or helm upgrade commands.

You can also add the following snippet to your values.yaml file, which you can pass using the -f myvalues.yaml argument:

   istio: true

Ensure that data forwarding doesn’t generate telemetry πŸ”—

Forwarding telemetry from Istio to the Collector might generate undesired telemetry. To avoid this, do one of the following:

  • Run the Collector in a separate namespace that lacks the Istio proxy.

  • Add a label to the Collector pods to prevent the injection of the Istio proxy. This is default configuration when the autodetect.istio parameter is set to true.

  • If you need the Istio proxy in the Collector pods, deactivate tracing in the Collector pods. For example:

    # ...


The instrumentation pod is a DaemonSet and isn’t injected with a proxy by default. If Istio injects proxies in instrumentation pods, deactivate tracing using a podAnnotation.

Configure the Istio Operator πŸ”—

Configure the Istio Operator following these steps:

  • Set an environment.deployment attribute.

  • Configure the Zipkin tracer to send data to the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector running on the host.

For example:

# tracing.yaml

kind: IstioOperator
name: istio-operator
      # Requires Splunk Log Observer
      accessLogFile: /dev/stdout
      # Requires Splunk APM
      enableTracing: true
            max_path_tag_length: 99999
            sampling: 100
               address: $(HOST_IP):9411
                     value: dev

To activate the new configuration, run:

istioctl install -f ./tracing.yaml

Restart the pods that contain the Istio proxy to activate the new tracing configuration.

Update all pods in the service mesh πŸ”—

Update all pods that are in the Istio service mesh to include an app label. Istio uses this to define the Splunk service.


If you don’t set the app label, identifying the relationship between the proxy and your service is more difficult.

Recommendations πŸ”—

To make the best use of full-fidelity data retention, configure Istio to send as much trace data as possible by configuring sampling and maximum tag length as follows:

  • Set a sampling value of 100 to ensure that all traces have correct root spans.

  • Set a max_path_tag_length value of 99999 to avoid that key tags get truncated.

For example:

# tracing.yaml

kind: IstioOperator
name: istio-operator
      # Requires Splunk Log Observer
      accessLogFile: /dev/stdout
      # Requires Splunk APM
      enableTracing: true
            max_path_tag_length: 99999
            sampling: 100
               address: $(HOST_IP):9411
                     value: dev

For more information on how to configure Istio see the Istio distributed tracing installation documentation.

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This page was last updated on Feb 11, 2025.