Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Community integrations

Community integrations 🔗

The following Community integrations are available:

  • Istio

  • Jaeger

  • Linkerd

  • Micrometer

  • Prometheus

  • Spring Boot

  • Telegraf Agent

  • Zipkin

To install any of these integrations follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Splunk Observability Cloud.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Management.

  3. Go to the Available integrations tab, or select Add Integration in the Deployed integrations tab.

  4. In the integration filter menu, select All.

  5. In the Search field, search for the name of the community integration.

  6. Select the community integration tile to display its details.

This page was last updated on May 14, 2024.