Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Instrument mobile and web applications for Splunk RUM » Instrument React Native applications for Splunk RUM » Configure the Splunk React Native RUM instrumentation

Configure the Splunk React Native RUM instrumentation 🔗

You can configure the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry for React Native to add custom attributes, adapt the instrumentation to your environment and application, and more.

To configure the React Native RUM agent, add the key-value pairs to a ReactNativeConfiguration object. For example:

const RumConfig: ReactNativeConfiguration = {
   realm: '<realm>',
   rumAccessToken: '<rum-access-token>',
   applicationName: '<your-app-name>',
   environment: '<your-environment>',
   debug: true,
      * URLs that partially match any regex in ignoreUrls aren't traced.
      * URLs that are exact matches of strings in ignoreUrls aren't traced.
   ignoreUrls: [''],

General settings 🔗

Use the following settings to configure the React Native RUM agent:




Ingest URL to which the agent sends collected telemetry. The URL must contain your realm in Splunk Observability Cloud. For example, is the ingest URL for the us0 realm.


RUM token that authorizes the agent to send telemetry data to Splunk Observability Cloud. To generate a RUM access token, see Generate your RUM access token in Splunk Observability Cloud.


Sets additional attributes added to all spans. Attributes are defined as an array of comma-separated key-value pairs. For example: ["key1":"value1","key2":3]. See Manage global attributes.


Environment for all the spans produced by the application. For example, dev, test, or prod.


Regular expression pattern that matches URLs you want to ignore when reporting HTTP activity.


Activates debug logging. The default value is false.

This page was last updated on May 30, 2023.