Formatting reference
Applying formatting to certain elements in text aids readers in their understanding of that text. Using consistent text formatting also helps readers scan text for the information they're looking for. Use these formatting conventions when you write Splunk documentation.
Documentation elements
Review the following table for formatting guidance on documentation elements:
Element | How to format | Examples | Comments |
Error messages | Quotation marks for inline examples, monospaced font block for standalone examples |
"error":"HTTP 403 \"Forbidden\"" |
See Error and warning messages for more information. |
Keyboard shortcuts | No formatting | Select Alt+N for Windows or *nix or Control+N for Mac. | Don't include spaces in the shortcut. See Keyboard shortcuts for more information. |
Manual names | Italics, headline-style capitalization | See Managing connections in the Splunk Data Stream Processor in the Connect to Data Sources and Destinations with DSP manual. | See Manual names, topic titles, and section headings for more information. |
Topic titles and section headings | Sentence-style capitalization | See Pass values to the class constructor in the Splunk Developer Portal. | See Manual names, topic titles, and section headings for more information. |
Words that are offset from the meaning of your sentence | Quotation marks | Search for "Query tables" on the Microsoft website. |
Computer elements
Review the following table for formatting guidance on computer elements:
Element | How to format | Examples | Comments |
Directories, folders, repositories | No formatting |
Start partial directories with a forward slash ( / ) for *nix or a backslash ( \ ) for Windows. Enclose placeholder variables in angle brackets. |
Expressions | Inline monospaced font |
File extensions | No formatting |
File names | No formatting | Navigate to the fields.conf file. | |
File paths | No formatting |
List both the *nix and Windows file paths, in that order. |
File types | All capital letters |
Hosts and ports | No formatting |
Don't include formatting for the host or port. Enclose placeholder variables in angle brackets. |
Placeholder variables | Angle brackets |
Tags (HTML, XML) | Inline monospaced font |
UI elements, including menu items, drop-down lists, buttons, text entry fields, panels, and dialog boxes | Bold type |
Use the word "then" or equivalent text to separate the names of menus. |
URIs, URLs | See the Comments column |
Include http:// or https:// and www. Don't capitalize any letters in the link. Prevent fake links from rendering by using a <nowiki> tag or inline monospaced font. |
User input in the UI | Bold type |
Splunk-specific elements
Review the following table for formatting guidance on Splunk-specific elements:
Element | How to format | Examples | Comments |
Index names | Bold type | Save the file in the main index. | |
Input names | Bold type | Select the myhost data input. | |
Knowledge objects such as fields, event types, lookups, tags, aliases, and data models | Inline monospaced font |
Searches | Search bar or monospaced font block | See the following topics for search examples:
For guidance on line breaks in search tags, see Line breaks. |
Search results | Search table | For a search result example, see untable in the Splunk Enterprise Search Reference manual. | |
Source types | Inline monospaced font | This entry defines the access_combined source type.
SPL and SPL2 clauses | All capital letters |
SPL and SPL2 commands, elements, functions, and macros | Inline monospaced font |
Splexicon links | Bold type | Use geospatial lookups to return results that Splunk software can use to generate a choropleth map visualization. | For guidance on Splexicon links, see Formatting links in Splunk documentation. |
Tenant names | Bold type |
Token names | No formatting | Update your access token. | |
User roles and capabilities | No formatting |
Configuration files
Review the following table for formatting guidance on configuration files:
Element | How to format | Examples | Comments |
Attributes or settings | Inline monospaced font |
Configuration files in text | Monospaced font block | See the following topics for configuration file examples:
Configuration file names | No formatting | Navigate to the fields.conf file. | |
Configuration file parameters, arguments, and stanza names in a paragraph | Inline monospaced font |
Enclose stanza names in square brackets. |
Values | Inline monospaced font |
Command-line interface (CLI) elements
Review the following table for formatting guidance on CLI elements:
Element | How to format | Examples | Comments |
A complete command | Inline monospaced font | See the following topics for command examples:
Command line arguments in a numbered list or longer than 1 line | Monospaced font block | See the following topics for command line argument examples:
Command line arguments in a paragraph | Inline monospaced font | You can also use the command line by entering ./splunk apply cluster-bundle in the CLI.
Command names | Inline monospaced font | Run the btool command.
Command options or parameters | Inline monospaced font | -u <username>
Enclose placeholder variables in angle brackets. |
Review the following table for formatting guidance on REST API elements:
Element | How to format | Examples | Comments |
API names | No formatting |
Endpoints | Bold type for endpoint name, monospaced font block for endpoint path | Access the provisioner endpoint:
/system/provisioner/v1beta1/tenants |
Enter the endpoint name in bold. When referring to an endpoint path, use a monospaced font block. |
HTTP or REST API methods | All capital letters for method type, monospaced font block for usage | Submit a GET request:
GET /system/provisioner/v1beta1/tenants/ |
Enter the request name in all capital letters. When using a method and endpoint together, use a monospaced font block. |
JSON bodies | Monospaced font block | See the following topics for JSON body examples:
Object names | Bold type | the handle object | |
REST API requests and responses | Monospaced font block | See the following topics for REST API examples:
REST response body | Monospaced font block | See the following topics for REST response body examples:
Request parameters | Inline monospaced font | "earliest_time": "-30m"
Returned REST response value | Inline monospaced font | IACQlgX2dSVNz7HVDRA9StAm0j
Review the following table for formatting guidance on code:
Element | How to format | Examples | Comments |
Arguments | Inline monospaced font | Pass in arg1 as the argument for the param1 parameter and arg2 as the argument for the param2 parameter.
Classes | Inline monospaced font | The MyClass class
Capitalize class names with medial capitals. |
Code elements and usage | Inline monospaced font |
Code examples | Monospaced font block | See the following topics for code examples:
Constants | All capital letters | DEBUG_STREAMEVENTS | |
Function names in code | Monospaced font block or inline monospaced font, depending on use | Pass your arguments into the myFunction function. For example: myFunction(arg1, arg2)
Most function names appear in code samples, where they are formatted as inline monospaced font in a sentence or within a code block as a standalone example. |
Hexadecimal numbers | All capital letters for alphabetical characters in the hexadecimal number |
HTTP status codes | Inline monospaced font |
Use a lowercase "x" to represent a range. |
Methods | Inline monospaced font | The myMethod method
Parameters | Inline monospaced font | This function accepts 2 parameters, param1 and param2 .
Placeholder variables | Angle brackets | Open the /etc/apps/<your_app_name>/appserver/ folder. | |
Properties | Monospaced font block or inline monospaced font, depending on use |
Most properties appear in code samples, where they are formatted as a monospaced font block. Use inline monospaced font when referring to a property in a sentence. |
Simple XML elements | Inline monospaced font | Find the <title>all</title> element.
Simple XML source code for dashboards | Monospaced font block | For an example of Simple XML source code, see Simple XML Reference in the Splunk Enterprise Dashboards and Visualizations manual. | |
User-created values | Bold type | The value of the myStr parameter is hello.
Capitalization | Line breaks |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Style Guide: current
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