Docs » Scenarios for troubleshooting errors and monitoring application performance using Splunk APM » Scenario: Deepu monitors service performance using a built-in dashboard

Scenario: Deepu monitors service performance using a built-in dashboard 🔗

Buttercup Games launches a Black Friday sales event. Deepu, the payment service owner, expects higher traffic on the website that might impact the payment service. In addition to setting Splunk APM detectors to alert for the atypical error rate and latency, Deepu uses the Splunk APM Service dashboard for monitoring.

These are the steps Deepu takes to monitor the payment service using a Splunk APM Service dashboard:

  1. Deepu opens the APM Service dashboard for the payment service

  2. Deepu adjusts the dashboard chart resolution and uses a data link to go to a related infrastructure dashboard

Deepu opens the APM Service dashboard for the payment service 🔗

From the APM Overview, Deepu selects Service Map to access the service map. Deepu selects the paymentservice node and selects View Dashboard on the sidebar.

This screenshot shows the option to view the dashboard from the service map.

Learn more 🔗

This page was last updated on Feb 29, 2024.