Docs » Connect to your cloud service provider » Connect AWS to Splunk Observability Cloud » Available CloudFormation and Terraform templates

Available CloudFormation and Terraform templates πŸ”—

To create Splunk-managed Metric Streams resources you can either use CloudFormation or a Terraform template.

Use CloudFormation to connect to Splunk Observability Cloud πŸ”—

To use CloudFormation to connect to Splunk Observability Cloud follow these steps:

  1. Install the AWS integration. Learn more at Connect AWS to Splunk Observability Cloud.

  2. Decide which CloudFormation template to use depending on your deployment method (for example, per AWS region or per AWS account) and integration type. Note that templates are only available for Metric Sreams.

  • Even if you don’t intend to use all options you can safely deploy any CloudFormation template since unused infrastructure doesn’t generate costs.

  1. Select the QuickLink for your chosen template. The QuickLink automatically opens the AWS Management Console in the last region you used, but you can select any other region in the AWS Management Console.


Splunk Log Observer is no longer available for new users. You can continue to use Log Observer if you already have an entitlement. To collect logs, see Send AWS logs to Splunk Platform.

Prepopulated CloudFormation templates πŸ”—

These are the available prepopulated CloudFormation templates to create AWS Metric Streams resources:

Deployment type


Hosted template

Once per account (using StackSets)

Deploy this QuickLink

Hosted template

In each region

Deploy this QuickLink in every region

Hosted template

To see other CloudFormation templates offered by Splunk Observability Cloud refer to the AWS CloudFormation templates repo in GitHub.

Custom CloudFormation templates πŸ”—

If none of the prepopulated CloudFormation templates meets your needs, you might create required resources using CloudFormation manually by following these steps:

  1. Select the Hosted template link to download and modify the template you choose.

  2. In the Quick Create stack dialog box for the selected template, enter the access token for your organization.

  3. Select Create stack.

  4. Use an API call to activate CloudWatch Metric Streams. To learn more, see Configure Metric Streams.

You can optionally use AWS CloudFormation StackSets to work simultaneously across multiple AWS regions after configuring the StackSet prerequisites for self-managed permissions. For more details, see Amazon Web Services documentation to configure StackSet prerequisites.

Use the Terraform template to connect to Splunk Observability Cloud πŸ”—

Alternatively, you can also deploy Kinesis Firehose with Terraform. See the Terraform Setup for Creating Kinesis Firehose to Send CloudWatch Metric Stream GitHub repo.

The provided Terraform template supports Metric Streams only, and does not offer log support.

For more information on how to use Terraform to connect to AWS, see Connect your cloud services using Splunk Terraform.

This page was last updated on Jul 12, 2024.