Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Instrument mobile and web applications for Splunk RUM » Instrument browser-based web applications for Splunk RUM » Troubleshoot browser instrumentation for Splunk Observability Cloud

Troubleshoot browser instrumentation for Splunk Observability Cloud 🔗

When you instrument a browser or web application using the Browser RUM agent and you don’t see your data in Splunk Observability Cloud, follow these troubleshooting steps.

General steps for troubleshooting Browser RUM instrumentation 🔗

The following steps can help you troubleshoot Browser RUM agent issues:

  1. Check compatibility and requirements

  2. Make sure you’re not using multiple agents

  3. Activate debug logging

Check compatibility and requirements 🔗

See Check compatibility and requirements for a complete list of compatible versions and requirements.

Browser RUM supports Internet Explorer 11 through the splunk-otel-web-legacy.js version of the agent. Make sure to use that version if you need to collect data from Internet Explorer.

Make sure you’re not using multiple agents 🔗

Some development and observability tools include functionality similar to Splunk RUM. Using multiple tools for the same purpose, for example crash reporting, might result in undefined behavior. Use only one tool for each purpose.

Activate debug logging 🔗

Activating debug logging can help you troubleshoot browser RUM instrumentation issues.

To activate logging, add the debug: true setting to SplunkRum.init. For example:

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
         beaconEndpoint: ''
         rumAccessToken: 'ABC123...789',
         applicationName: 'my-awesome-app',
         version: '1.0.1',
         debug: true


Activate debug logging only when needed. Debug mode requires more resources.

Web app data don’t appear in Splunk RUM 🔗

If you can’t find telemetry for your web app in Splunk RUM, try the following.

Check for errors using developer tools 🔗

Use your browser’s developer tools to check for Browser RUM errors:

  • Check the console for configuration errors. Errors are prefixed with SplunkRum: in the console.

  • Check the Network tab in your browser’s developer tools to confirm that the agent is sending data:
    • Make sure there are requests sent to rum-ingest.<realm>

    • If the requests have a status of 429, you might have surpassed the session quota. See System limits for Splunk RUM.

    • Make sure the request isn’t blocked by browser extensions or specific settings.

  • Activate debug logging to search for simulator debug logs. See Activate debug logging.

Check your RUM configuration settings 🔗

Check the value of the main configuration settings:

  • If you’ve defined a custom beaconEndpoint, make sure the value is correct.

  • Make sure that the values of rumAccessToken and realm are defined and correct.
    • The RUM token must be active and part of the org you are trying to send data to.

    • The realm must be the same as your organization’s realm.

To find your Splunk realm, see Note about realms.

Check how you’re initializing RUM 🔗

Make sure you’re initializing the agent synchronously and as early as possible. See Load and initialize the Browser RUM agent.

Browser RUM is causing issues in your site 🔗

If you think Browser RUM might be causing issues in your website or breaking existing behavior or design, check the following:

  • Confirm the site works as expected after removing or deactivating Browser RUM in the same environment where you’re experiencing issues.

  • Try activating Browser RUM with all instrumentations turned off. See Instrumentation settings for more information. For example:

    instrumentations: {
      // Comment out lines one by one to turn on each item
      // and test which instrumentation is causing issues.
      document: false,
      errors: false,
      fetch: false,
      interactions: false,
      longtask: false,
      postload: false,
      webvitals: false,
      xhr: false,

If you are a Splunk Observability Cloud customer and are not able to see your data in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can get help in the following ways.

Available to Splunk Observability Cloud customers

Available to prospective customers and free trial users

  • Ask a question and get answers through community support at Splunk Answers .

  • Join the Splunk #observability user group Slack channel to communicate with customers, partners, and Splunk employees worldwide. To join, see Chat groups in the Get Started with Splunk Community manual.

Browser developer tools display events from Splunk instrumentation 🔗

If there are network requests displayed in your browser developer tools from Splunk OTel instrumentation such as splunk-otel-web.js or SplunkContextManager, this is because the application code calls the instrumentation, which then calls the browser API. As a result, your browser developer tools indicate that such events are initiated by the RUM agent.

You can identify the original application code initiator by navigating to the network request and hovering over or selecting the value in the initiator column, for example, splunk-otel-web.js. This displays additional events from the stack trace.

You can also configure your browser developer tools to omit the instrumentation layers from the initiator list. See your browser documentation for details.

This page was last updated on Feb 11, 2025.