Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Collector components: Receivers » JMX receiver

JMX receiver πŸ”—

The JMX receiver works in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry JMX Metric Gatherer to report metrics from an MBean server. The supported pipeline type is metrics. See Process your data with pipelines for more information.

You can use the JMX receiver to monitor services such as Cassandra using the target_system setting. See more at Advanced settings and Settings.


Out-of-the-box dashboards and navigators aren’t supported for the JMX receiver yet, but are planned for a future release.

Prerequisites πŸ”—

The receiver launches a child JRE process which runs the JMX Metric Gatherer configured with your specified JMX connection information and target built-in OTel-helper Groovy script. It then reports metrics to an implicitly created OTLP receiver.

In order to use the JMX receiver:

  • Download the most recent release of the JMX Metric Gatherer JAR and configure the receiver with its path

  • JRE must be available on your system

Get started πŸ”—

Follow these steps to configure and activate the component:

  1. Deploy the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector to your host or container platform:

  1. Configure the JMX receiver as described in the next section.

  2. Restart the Collector.

Sample configuration πŸ”—

To activate the JMX receiver, add jmx to the receivers section of your configuration file:


To complete the configuration, include the receiver in the metrics pipeline of the service section of your configuration file:

      receivers: [jmx]

See Settings for more details.

Configuration example πŸ”—

This examples provides configuration details for the receiver:

    jar_path: /opt/opentelemetry-java-contrib-jmx-metrics.jar
    endpoint: my_jmx_host:12345
    target_system: jvm
    collection_interval: 10s
    initial_delay: 1s
    # optional: the same as specifying OTLP receiver endpoint.
      endpoint: mycollectorotlpreceiver:4317
    username: my_jmx_username
    # determined by the environment variable value
    password: ${env:MY_JMX_PASSWORD}
    resource_attributes: my.attr=my.value,my.other.attr=my.other.value
    log_level: info
      - /path/to/other.jar

Advanced settings πŸ”—

You can use the following advanced settings with the receiver:

  • jar_path. The path for the JMX Metric Gatherer uber JAR to run. Use a jar version 1.9 or higher, which can be downloaded from GitHub. /opt/opentelemetry-java-contrib-jmx-metrics.jar by default.

    • If you require a non-released version, specify a custom version by providing the sha256 hash of your custom version of the jar during collector build time using the ldflags option.

go build -ldflags "-X<sha256hash>" ...
  • endpoint. Required. The JMX Service URL or host and port used to construct the Service URL the Metric Gatherer’s JMX client uses. Use the format service:jmx:<protocol>:<sap> or host:port.

    • If using the host:port format, it creates the Service URL service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<host>:<port>/jmxrmi.

    • If using or coerced to service:jmx:<protocol>:<sap> format, it corresponds to the otel.jmx.service.url property.

  • target_system. The built-in target system (or systems) metric gatherer script to run.

    • Possible values: "activemq", "cassandra", "hbase", "hadoop", "jetty", "jvm", "kafka", "kafka-consumer", "kafka-producer", "solr", "tomcat", or "wildfly".

    • You can specify multiple target systems at the same time: "target_system": "activemq, kafka,kafka-consumer".

    • If you need to support additional target systems because of a custom JMX metrics gatherer jar configured using the MetricsGathererHash build time config, add them with another build time flag. It corresponds to the property.

go build -ldflags "-X<sha256hash>
      -X,othernewtarget" ...

Settings πŸ”—

The following table shows the configuration options for the JMX receiver:

Troubleshooting πŸ”—

If you are a Splunk Observability Cloud customer and are not able to see your data in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can get help in the following ways.

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This page was last updated on Feb 11, 2025.