Splunk® Cloud Services

SPL2 Search Reference

join command syntax details

The required syntax is in bold.


where <left-alias>.<left-field>=<right-alias>.<right-field>...

Required arguments

Syntax: left=<left-alias>
Description: The alias to use with the left-side dataset, the source data, to avoid naming collisions.
Syntax: right=<right-alias>
Description: The alias to use with the right-side dataset to avoid naming collisions.
Syntax: where <left-alias>.<left-field>=<right-alias>.<right-field> ...
Description: The names of the fields in the left-side dataset and the right-side dataset that you want to join on. You must specify the alias and the field name. For example: L.host=R.user. To join on multiple fields, you must specify AND operator between each set of fields. For example: L.host=R.user AND L.clientip=R.clientip.
You can specify the aliases and fields in where clause on either side of the equal sign.
For example, you can specify:
where <left-alias>.<left-field>=<right-alias>.<right-field>
where <right-alias>.<right-field>=<left-alias>.<left-field>
Syntax: <dataset> | [ subsearch ]
Description: The name of the right-side dataset or the subsearch that you want to use to join with the source data. If you specify a dataset, it must be a dataset that you created or are authorized to use. If you specify a subsearch, it must be enclosed in square brackets. A maximum of 50000 rows in the right-side dataset can be joined with the left-side dataset.

Optional arguments

Syntax: [ type | max ]
Description: Specify the type of join to perform and the maximum number of rows to join on. You can specify one or more <join-options>.
Syntax: type=<inner | outer | left>
Description: Indicates the type of join to perform. The difference between an inner and a left (or outer) join is how the rows are treated in the left-side dataset that do not match any of the rows in the right-side dataset. In both inner and left joins, rows that match are joined. The results of an inner join do not include rows from the left-side dataset that have no matches in the right-side dataset. The results of a left (or outer) join includes all of the rows in the left-side dataset and only those values in the right-side dataset have matching field values.
Default: inner
Syntax: max=<int>
Description: Specifies the maximum number of rows in the right-side dataset that each row in the left-side dataset can join with. The default setting means that 1 row in the right-side dataset can join with just 1 row in the left-side dataset. If set to max=0, multiple rows in the right-side dataset join with 1 row in the left-side dataset.
Default: 1

See also

join command
join command overview
join command usage
join command examples
Last modified on 09 February, 2022
join command overview   join command usage

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Services: current

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