Splunk® Cloud Services

SPL2 Search Reference

rename command usage

Differences between SPL and SPL2

Renames must be comma-delimited

Each pair of rename fields must be separated by a comma. Otherwise a parsing error is returned.

Version Example
SPL rename pid AS ProductID cid AS CustomerID
SPL2 rename pid AS ProductID, cid AS CustomerID

Certain renames are invalid

Renames of the same field is not allowed.

Version Example
SPL ...rename A as B, A as C
SPL2 Not supported

Merging multiple fields is invalid

Attempting to merge multiple fields with a rename is not allowed.

Version Example
SPL ... rename A as B, C as B
SPL2 Not supported

Chained or circular renaming is invalid

Using transitive renames that result in chained renaming or circular naming is not allowed.

Version Example 1 Example 2
SPL ... rename A as B, B as C ... rename A as B, C as A
SPL2 Not supported Not supported

See also

rename command
rename command overview
rename command syntax details
rename command examples
Last modified on 20 October, 2020
rename command syntax details   rename command examples

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Services: current

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