Splunk® Cloud Services

SPL2 Search Reference

stats command overview

The SPL2 stats command calculates aggregate statistics, such as average, count, and sum, over the incoming search results set. This is similar to SQL aggregation.

If the stats command is used without a BY clause, only one row is returned, which is the aggregation over the entire incoming result set. If a BY clause is used, one row is returned for each distinct value in the field specified in the BY clause.


The required syntax is in bold.

[allnum = <boolean>] [delim = <"string">] [partitions = <num>]
<aggregation> ...
( [<by-clause>] [span=<time-span>] )

How the SPL2 stats command works

What's important to remember about the SPL2 stats command is that the command returns only the fields used in the aggregation.

Suppose these are some of the events in your dataset:

_time host action quantity productId method
6 Apr 2022 9:39:48.000 PM www2 purchase 1 PZ-SG-G05 POST
6 Apr 2022 9:34:10.000 PM www1 view 1 GET
6 Apr 2022 9:34:02.000 PM www3 purchase 2 SC-MG-G10 POST
6 Apr 2022 9:34:01.000 PM www2 remove 1 CU-PG-G06 GET
6 Apr 2022 9:34:01.000 PM www1 purchase 3 POST
6 Apr 2022 9:29:55.000 PM www3 addtocart 2 SC-MG-G10 GET
6 Apr 2022 9:20:51.000 PM www1 addtocart DB-SG-G01 GET
6 Apr 2022 9:12:56.000 PM www2 changequantity 2 FS-SG-G03 GET
6 Apr 2022 9:12:53.000 PM www1 1 DB-SG-G01 GET

Using functions

You can use a wide range of statistical functions that you can use with the stats command. See Quick Reference for SPL2 Stats and Charting Functions.

The following search performs several aggregate calculations. When you perform more than one aggregation, separate each aggregation with a comma.

...| stats count(productId), sum(quantity), max(quantity), min(quantity)

The results look like this:

count(productId) sum(quantity) max(quantity) min(quantity)
7 13 3 1

Grouping results

Use a BY clause when you want to group search results by a specific field.

The following search groups the results by the action field:

...| stats count(action) BY action

The results look like this:

action count(action)
addtocart 2
changequantity 1
purchase 3
remove 1
view 1

You can perform an aggregation on one field and group the results by another field. The following search groups the results by the host field:

...| stats count(productId) BY host

The results look like this:

host count(productId)
www1 4
www2 3
www3 2

Renaming fields

Use the AS clause to rename a field. The following search renames the count(action) field to count:

...| stats count(action) AS count BY action

The results look like this:

action count
addtocart 2
changequantity 1
purchase 3
remove 1
view 1

For additional examples, see stats command examples.

You can also use the from command to specify aggregate functions, group by a field, and rename a field. See stats command usage for examples.

See also

stats command
stats command syntax details
stats command usage
stats command examples
Overview of SPL2 stats functions
SPL2 Stats and Charting Functions Quick Reference
Last modified on 31 January, 2024
spl1 command examples   stats command syntax details

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Services: current

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