Docs » Splunk Log Observer Connect » Reset the default Log Observer Connect index

Reset the default Log Observer Connect index 🔗

A Splunk Observability Cloud administrator sets your organization’s default Log Observer Connect index for the Log Observer Connect service account at two times:

An administrator can reset the default index for the Log Observer service account by following the steps on this page.

Prerequisites 🔗

You must be a Splunk Observability Cloud administrator to reset the default Log Observer Connect index.

Reset the default Log Observer Connect index 🔗

To reset the default Log Observer Connect index, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Splunk Observability Cloud.

  2. Go to Settings then Log Observer Connect.

    A list of your Log Observer Connect connections appears. Each connection is associated with a default Splunk platform index.

  3. Select the three-dot menu next to the connection associated with the default index you want as the default searchable index in the Log Observer Connect UI, then select Make default from the drop-down list.

    The index associated with the connection you select is the new default Splunk platform index that users can search in the Log Observer Connect UI.

This page was last updated on Nov 08, 2023.