Docs » Splunk Log Observer Connect » Troubleshoot Log Observer Connect setup

Troubleshoot Log Observer Connect setup πŸ”—

This topic helps Log Observer Connect administrators and users resolve issues that might arise when searching Splunk platform indexes in Log Observer Connect.

Log Observer Connect users see unauthorized Splunk platform indexes πŸ”—

When searching in Log Observer Connect, users might see Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud Platform indexes that are unauthorized for Log Observer Connect users.

Cause πŸ”—

All Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform users can list all indexes by default. However, if the indexes_list_all capability is enabled in authorize.conf, access to all indexes is limited to only those roles with this capability.

If Log Observer Connect users see an index in Log Observer Connect that is not authorized for Log Observer Connect users, contact your Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud Platform administrator.

Solution πŸ”—

To limit Splunk platform indexes for Log Observer Connect users, a Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud Platform administrator must follow these steps:

  1. Log in as an administrator in your Splunk platform instance.

  2. Splunk Cloud Platform administrators can skip this step. If the indexes_list_all capability is not present in your Splunk Enterprise instance, create a [capability::indexes_list_all] stanza in authorize.conf. Once the configuration is set in authorize.conf, the indexes_list_all capability is deactivated for all roles. The administrator can then add this capability for select roles in the UI or in authorize.conf.

  3. Enable indexes_list_all capability for the admin role and any other roles that need to access the indexes. For more information about adding capabilities to a role, see Define roles on the Splunk plaftorm with capabilities .

  4. Go to Settings > Roles and click the name of your Log Observer Connect service account role.

  5. On the Capabilities tab, deselect indexes_list_all to prevent Log Observer Connect users from seeing all Splunk platform indexes.

The connection appears to work, but there are no logs πŸ”—

Cause πŸ”—

The index in your Splunk platform instance does not contain logs. Alternatively, you did not select a specific index in Log Observer Connect.

Solution πŸ”—

Select an index in your Splunk platform instance that contains logs. Select a specific index in Log Observer Connect.

The connection appears to work, but the index I need is not selectable πŸ”—

There are two possible causes of this problem.

Cause 1 πŸ”—

You are trying to target an internal index.

Solution 1 πŸ”—

Do not try to target an internal index. Internal indexes start with β€œ_” such as β€œ_internal”. Internal indexes are not compatible with Log Observer Connect.

Cause 2 πŸ”—

You are selecting an index in an orphaned app.

Solution 2 πŸ”—

Indexes defined in orphaned apps do not appear for the REST endpoint /services/data/indexes. Move indexes defined in orphaned apps to a different indexes.conf. In Splunk Cloud Platform, this requires assistance from Splunk Support. In Splunk enterprise, it requires server command line access.

This page was last updated on Feb 05, 2024.