Docs » Other data ingestion methods

Other data ingestion methods 🔗

If your needs are not covered by Splunk distributions of OpenTelemetry, you can still send data to Splunk Observability Cloud using the following methods.

Use the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib (upstream)

You can use the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib instead of the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector. See Send telemetry using the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib project for installation instructions and information about the differences between the upstream Collector and the Splunk distribution.


Splunk only provides best-effort support for OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib. Only Splunk OpenTelemetry distributions are in scope for official Splunk support and support-related service-level agreements (SLAs).

Send data using the REST APIs

Splunk Observability Cloud supports an extensive set of REST APIs that lets you send data points and events. This is useful when you need to bypass the Collector. See an example in Send metrics, traces, and events using Splunk Observability Cloud REST APIs.

Send custom metrics

You can send custom metrics to Splunk Observability Cloud, for example to instrument a service that isn’t supported yet. To create and send custom metrics, see Send custom metrics to Splunk Observability Cloud.

Send traces using the gRPC endpoint

You can send trace data in OTLP format directly to Splunk Observability Cloud using the gRPC endpoint, either directly or from an OpenTelemetry Collector. See Send traces to Splunk Observability Cloud using the gRPC endpoint.

Send metrics using client libraries

To send metrics from your code to Splunk Observability Cloud, you can use several client libraries for Java, Python, Ruby, Go, and Node.js. See SignalFlow client libraries for more information.

This page was last updated on Jul 24, 2023.