Docs » Splunk RUM metrics reference

Splunk RUM metrics reference 🔗

The following metrics are available in Splunk RUM. All errors in Splunk RUM have the dimension sf_error=true.

Aggregates versus page level metrics 🔗

Metrics with the prefix rum.node. are page level metrics, whereas metrics with the prefix rum. are aggregations of multiple pages. Page level metrics also have a dimension sf_node_name, which you can use to filter on specific pages.

Custom event metrics 🔗

Metrics for custom events are applicable to both browser and mobile.



Custom event requests/errors


Custom event latency


Learn more 🔗

To learn how to set alerts on metrics in Splunk RUM, or about metrics in Splunk Observability Cloud, see:

This page was last updated on Sep 11, 2023.