Apache Web Server receiver (apache ) |
Fetches stats from a Apache Web Server. |
Metrics |
Apache Spark receiver (apachespark ) |
Fetches metrics for an Apache Spark cluster through the Apache Spark REST API. |
Metrics |
AWS ECS container metrics receiver (awsecscontainermetrics ) |
Reads task metadata and docker stats from Amazon ECS and generates resource usage metrics. |
Metrics |
Azure event hub receiver (azureeventhub ) |
Pulls logs from an Azure event hub. |
Logs |
Carbon receiver (carbon ) |
Receives metrics in Carbon plaintext protocol. |
Metrics |
Chrony receiver (chrony ) |
Go implementation of the chronyc command to track portability across systems and platforms. |
Metrics |
Cloud Foundry receiver (cloudfoundry ) |
Connects to the Reverse Log Proxy (RLP) gateway of Cloud Foundry to extract metrics. |
Metrics |
CollectD receiver (collectd ) |
Receives data exported through the CollectD write_http plugin. Only supports the JSON format. |
Metrics |
Discovery receiver (discovery ) elasticsearch-receiver |
Wraps the receiver creator to facilitate the discovery of metric collection targets. See Automatic discovery of apps and services. |
Logs |
Elasticsearch receiver (elasticsearch ) |
Queries the Elasticsearch node stats, cluster health and index stats endpoints to scrape metrics from a running Elasticsearch cluster. |
Metrics |
Filelog receiver (filelog ) |
Tails and parses logs from files. |
Logs |
Fluent Forward receiver (fluentforward ) |
Runs a TCP server that accepts events through the Fluentd Forward protocol. |
Logs |
HAProxy receiver (haproxy ) |
Generates metrics by polling periodically the HAProxy process through a dedicated socket or HTTP URL. |
Metrics |
Host metrics receiver (hostmetrics ) |
Generates system metrics from various sources. Use this receiver when deploying the Collector as an agent. |
Metrics |
HTTP check receiver (httpcheck ) |
Performs synthethic checks against HTTP endpoints. |
Metrics |
Jaeger receiver (jaeger ) |
Receives trace data in Jaeger format. |
Traces |
JMX receiver (jmx ) |
Works in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry JMX Metric Gatherer to report metrics from an MBean server. |
Metrics |
Journald receiver (journald ) |
Parses Journald events from the systemd journal. The journalctl binary must be in the same $PATH of the agent. |
Logs |
Kafka receiver (kafka ) |
Receives metrics, logs, and traces from Kafka. Metrics and logs only support the OTLP format. |
Metrics, logs, traces |
Kafka metrics receiver (kafkametrics ) |
Collects Kafka metrics such as brokers, topics, partitions, and consumer groups from Kafka server, and converts them to OTLP format. |
Metrics |
Kubernetes cluster receiver (k8s_cluster ) |
Collects cluster-level metrics from the Kubernetes API server. It uses the Kubernetes API to listen for updates. You can use a single instance of this receiver to monitor a cluster. |
Metrics |
Kubernetes events receiver (k8s_events ) |
Collects all new and updated events from the Kubernetes API server. Supports authentication through service accounts only. |
Logs |
Kubernetes objects receiver (k8sobjects ) |
Collects objects from the Kubernetes API server. Supports authentication through service accounts only. |
Logs |
Kubelet stats receiver (kubeletstats ) |
Pulls pod metrics from the API server on a kubelet. |
Metrics |
MongoDB receiver (mongodb ) |
Fetches stats from a MongoDB instance using the Golang mongo driver. |
Metrics |
MongoDB Atlas receiver (mongodbatlas ) |
Retrieves metrics from MongoDB Atlas using their monitoring APIs. |
Metrics |
Microsoft SQL server receiver (sqlserver ) |
Grabs metrics from a Microsoft SQL Server instance. |
Metrics |
MySQL receiver (mysql ) |
Queries and retrieves metrics about MySQL’s global status and InnoDB tables. |
Metrics |
NGINX receiver (nginx ) |
Fetches stats from a NGINX instance using the ngx_http_stub_status_module module’s status endpoint. |
Metrics |
Oracle Database receiver (oracledb )
Connects to an Oracle Database instance and obtains metrics such as physical reads, CPU, time, and others. |
Metrics |
OTLP receiver (otlp ) |
Receives data through gRPC or HTTP using OTLP format. |
Metrics, logs, traces |
PostgreSQL receiver (postgresql ) |
Queries the PostgreSQL statistics collector. Supports PostgreSQL version 9.6 and higher. |
Metrics |
Prometheus receiver (prometheus ) |
Provides a simple configuration interface to scrape metrics from a single target. |
Metrics |
Simple Prometheus receiver (prometheus_simple ) |
Wraps the prometheus receiver to provide simplified settings for single targets. |
Metrics |
Pure Storage FlashArray receiver (purefa ) |
Receives metrics from the Pure Storage FlashArray. |
Metrics |
RabbitMQ receiver (rabbitmq ) |
Fetches stats from a RabbitMQ node using the RabbitMQ Management Plugin. |
Metrics |
Receiver creator receiver (receiver_creator ) |
Instantiates other receivers at runtime based on whether observed endpoints match a configured rule. To use the receiver creator, configure one or more observer extensions to discover networked endpoints. |
N/A |
Redis receiver (redis ) |
Retrieves Redis INFO data from a specific Redis instance and builds metrics from it. |
Metrics |
Splunk APM (SAPM) receiver (deprecated) (sapm ) |
Receives traces from other collectors or from the SignalFx Smart Agent. |
Traces |
SignalFx Gateway Prometheus remote write receiver (signalfxgatewayprometheusremotewritereceiver ) |
OTel native version of the SignalFx Prometheus remote write gateway. |
Metrics |
SignalFx receiver (signalfx ) |
Accepts metrics and logs in the proto format. |
Metrics, logs |
Smart Agent receiver (smartagent ) |
Uses the existing Smart Agent monitors as Collector metric receivers. Learn more in Use Smart Agent monitors with the Collector. |
Metrics |
Snowflake receiver (snowflake ) |
Collects metrics from a Snowflake account by connecting to and querying a Snowflake deployment. |
Metrics |
Splunk Enterprise receiver (splunkenterprise ) |
Enables the ingestion of performance metrics describing the operational status of a user’s Splunk Enterprise deployment. |
Metrics |
Splunk HEC receiver (splunk_hec ) |
Accepts telemetry in the Splunk HEC format. |
Metrics, logs, traces |
SQL Query receiver (sqlquery ) |
Runs custom SQL queries to generate metrics from a database connection. |
Metrics |
SSH check receiver (sshcheck ) |
Creates stats by connecting to an SSH server, might be an SFTP server. |
Metrics |
StatsD receiver (statsd ) |
Collects StatsD messages to generate metrics. |
Metrics |
Syslog receiver (syslog ) |
Parses syslog messages received over TCP or UDP. |
Logs |
TCP log receiver (tcplog ) |
Receives logs over TCP. |
Logs |
UDP log receiver (udplog ) |
Receives logs over UDP. |
Logs |
vCenter receiver (vcenter ) |
Supports ESXi and vCenter. |
Metrics |
Wavefront receiver (wavefront ) |
Accepts metrics and depends on the carbon receiver proto and transport. |
Metrics |
Windows event log receiver (windowseventlog ) |
Tails and parses logs from the Windows Event log API. |
Logs |
Windows Performance Counters receiver (windowsperfcounters ) (Windows only) |
Collects the configured system, application, or custom performance counter data from the Windows Registry. |
Metrics |
Zipkin receiver (zipkin ) |
Receives spans from Zipkin versions 1 and 2. |
Traces |