Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud

Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud 🔗

This page provides the list of integrations supported by Splunk Observability Cloud.

Cloud services

See the available services for each Cloud services provider at:

Infrastructure monitoring

See Collect infrastructure metrics and logs for information on how to collect data for:

APM instrumentation

See the available APM instrumentation to send spans to Splunk Observability Cloud:

You can also instrument your applications to send metrics to Infrastructure Monitoring.

RUM instrumentation

Instrument your web and mobile front-end applications to send metrics, web vitals, errors, and other forms of data to Splunk Real User Monitoring.

For more information, see Introduction to Splunk RUM.

Applications and services

Native OTel receivers

You can monitor your applications and services with the Collector and the following native OpenTelemetry receivers:



Pipeline types

Apache Web Server receiver (apache)

Fetches stats from a Apache Web Server.


Apache Spark receiver (apachespark)

Fetches metrics for an Apache Spark cluster through the Apache Spark REST API.


AWS ECS container metrics receiver (awsecscontainermetrics)

Reads task metadata and docker stats from Amazon ECS and generates resource usage metrics.


Azure event hub receiver (azureeventhub)

Pulls logs from an Azure event hub.


Carbon receiver (carbon)

Receives metrics in Carbon plaintext protocol.


Chrony receiver (chrony)

Go implementation of the chronyc command to track portability across systems and platforms.


Cloud Foundry receiver (cloudfoundry)

Connects to the Reverse Log Proxy (RLP) gateway of Cloud Foundry to extract metrics.


CollectD receiver (collectd)

Receives data exported through the CollectD write_http plugin. Only supports the JSON format.


Discovery receiver (discovery) elasticsearch-receiver

Wraps the receiver creator to facilitate the discovery of metric collection targets. See Automatic discovery of apps and services.


Elasticsearch receiver (elasticsearch)

Queries the Elasticsearch node stats, cluster health and index stats endpoints to scrape metrics from a running Elasticsearch cluster.


Filelog receiver (filelog)

Tails and parses logs from files.


Fluent Forward receiver (fluentforward)

Runs a TCP server that accepts events through the Fluentd Forward protocol.


HAProxy receiver (haproxy)

Generates metrics by polling periodically the HAProxy process through a dedicated socket or HTTP URL.


Host metrics receiver (hostmetrics)

Generates system metrics from various sources. Use this receiver when deploying the Collector as an agent.


HTTP check receiver (httpcheck)

Performs synthethic checks against HTTP endpoints.


Jaeger receiver (jaeger)

Receives trace data in Jaeger format.


JMX receiver (jmx)

Works in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry JMX Metric Gatherer to report metrics from an MBean server.


Journald receiver (journald)

Parses Journald events from the systemd journal. The journalctl binary must be in the same $PATH of the agent.


Kafka receiver (kafka)

Receives metrics, logs, and traces from Kafka. Metrics and logs only support the OTLP format.

Metrics, logs, traces

Kafka metrics receiver (kafkametrics)

Collects Kafka metrics such as brokers, topics, partitions, and consumer groups from Kafka server, and converts them to OTLP format.


Kubernetes cluster receiver (k8s_cluster)

Collects cluster-level metrics from the Kubernetes API server. It uses the Kubernetes API to listen for updates. You can use a single instance of this receiver to monitor a cluster.


Kubernetes events receiver (k8s_events)

Collects all new and updated events from the Kubernetes API server. Supports authentication through service accounts only.


Kubernetes objects receiver (k8sobjects)

Collects objects from the Kubernetes API server. Supports authentication through service accounts only.


Kubelet stats receiver (kubeletstats)

Pulls pod metrics from the API server on a kubelet.


MongoDB receiver (mongodb)

Fetches stats from a MongoDB instance using the Golang mongo driver.


MongoDB Atlas receiver (mongodbatlas)

Retrieves metrics from MongoDB Atlas using their monitoring APIs.


Microsoft SQL server receiver (sqlserver)

Grabs metrics from a Microsoft SQL Server instance.


MySQL receiver (mysql)

Queries and retrieves metrics about MySQL’s global status and InnoDB tables.


NGINX receiver (nginx)

Fetches stats from a NGINX instance using the ngx_http_stub_status_module module’s status endpoint.


Oracle Database receiver (oracledb)

Connects to an Oracle Database instance and obtains metrics such as physical reads, CPU, time, and others.


OTLP receiver (otlp)

Receives data through gRPC or HTTP using OTLP format.

Metrics, logs, traces

PostgreSQL receiver (postgresql)

Queries the PostgreSQL statistics collector. Supports PostgreSQL version 9.6 and higher.


Prometheus receiver (prometheus)

Provides a simple configuration interface to scrape metrics from a single target.


Simple Prometheus receiver (prometheus_simple)

Wraps the prometheus receiver to provide simplified settings for single targets.


Pure Storage FlashArray receiver (purefa)

Receives metrics from the Pure Storage FlashArray.


RabbitMQ receiver (rabbitmq)

Fetches stats from a RabbitMQ node using the RabbitMQ Management Plugin.


Receiver creator receiver (receiver_creator)

Instantiates other receivers at runtime based on whether observed endpoints match a configured rule. To use the receiver creator, configure one or more observer extensions to discover networked endpoints.


Redis receiver (redis)

Retrieves Redis INFO data from a specific Redis instance and builds metrics from it.


Splunk APM (SAPM) receiver (deprecated) (sapm)

Receives traces from other collectors or from the SignalFx Smart Agent.


SignalFx Gateway Prometheus remote write receiver (signalfxgatewayprometheusremotewritereceiver)

OTel native version of the SignalFx Prometheus remote write gateway.


SignalFx receiver (signalfx)

Accepts metrics and logs in the proto format.

Metrics, logs

Smart Agent receiver (smartagent)

Uses the existing Smart Agent monitors as Collector metric receivers. Learn more in Use Smart Agent monitors with the Collector.


Snowflake receiver (snowflake)

Collects metrics from a Snowflake account by connecting to and querying a Snowflake deployment.


Splunk Enterprise receiver (splunkenterprise)

Enables the ingestion of performance metrics describing the operational status of a user’s Splunk Enterprise deployment.


Splunk HEC receiver (splunk_hec)

Accepts telemetry in the Splunk HEC format.

Metrics, logs, traces

SQL Query receiver (sqlquery)

Runs custom SQL queries to generate metrics from a database connection.


SSH check receiver (sshcheck)

Creates stats by connecting to an SSH server, might be an SFTP server.


StatsD receiver (statsd)

Collects StatsD messages to generate metrics.


Syslog receiver (syslog)

Parses syslog messages received over TCP or UDP.


TCP log receiver (tcplog)

Receives logs over TCP.


UDP log receiver (udplog)

Receives logs over UDP.


vCenter receiver (vcenter)

Supports ESXi and vCenter.


Wavefront receiver (wavefront)

Accepts metrics and depends on the carbon receiver proto and transport.


Windows event log receiver (windowseventlog)

Tails and parses logs from the Windows Event log API.


Windows Performance Counters receiver (windowsperfcounters) (Windows only)

Collects the configured system, application, or custom performance counter data from the Windows Registry.


Zipkin receiver (zipkin)

Receives spans from Zipkin versions 1 and 2.


Other ingestion methods

You can also send data to Splunk Observability Cloud with OpenTelemetry with the following options:

Smart Agent integrations

Smart Agent integrations are available and supported through the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector. For more information, see Use Smart Agent monitors with the Collector. You can use these integrations to send your apps and services’ metrics to Splunk Observability Cloud:

Browse the available monitors by category:

Deprecated integrations

These Smart Agent integrations are deprecated:

Notification services

These integrations let you send Splunk Observability Cloud alert notifications to the following notification services:

  • Amazon EventBridge

  • BigPanda

  • Jira

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Opsgenie

  • PagerDuty

  • ServiceNow

  • Slack

  • Splunk On-Call

  • Splunk platform

  • Webhook

  • xMatters

For more information about integrating with notification services, see Send alert notifications to services using Splunk Observability Cloud.

Login services

These login service integrations allow your users to single sign-on (SSO) to Splunk Observability Cloud using a third-party identity provider (IdP) that uses SAML SSO or a custom URL that you specify.

  • Microsoft ADFS

  • Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Directory)

  • Google Cloud Identity

  • Google Sign-In

  • Okta

  • OneLogin

  • PingOne

  • SAML

For more information about configuring an SSO integration, see Configure SSO integrations for Splunk Observability Cloud.

Data link destinations

Data links let you link metadata to the following destinations outside of Splunk Observability Cloud:

  • Splunk Cloud Platform

  • Splunk Enterprise

  • Kibana

For more information about creating data links, see Link metadata to related resources using global data links.

Community and other integrations

The following Community integrations are available:

  • Istio

  • Jaeger

  • Linkerd

  • Micrometer

  • Prometheus

  • Spring Boot

  • Telegraf Agent

  • Zipkin

Other integrations

Other integrations include:

This page was last updated on Feb 19, 2025.