Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Configure application receivers for databases » Redis (deprecated)

Redis (deprecated) πŸ”—


The Redis monitor is deprecated and will reach end of support on January 15, 2025. During this period, only critical security and bug fixes are provided. When the monitor reaches end of support, you won’t be able to use it to send data to Splunk Observability Cloud.

To monitor your Redis databases, you can instead use the native OpenTelemetry Redis receiver. See Redis receiver to learn more.

The Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector uses the Smart Agent receiver with the redis monitor type to capture the following metrics:

  • Memory used

  • Commands processed per second

  • Number of connected clients and followers

  • Number of blocked clients

  • Number of keys stored per database

  • Uptime

  • Changes since last save

  • Replication delay per follower

It accepts endpoints and allows multiple instances.

This integration is available on Kubernetes and Linux, and supports Redis 2.8 and higher.

Benefits πŸ”—

After you configure the integration, you can access these features:

Installation πŸ”—

Follow these steps to deploy this integration:

  1. Deploy the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector to your host or container platform:

  2. Configure the monitor, as described in the Configuration section.

  3. Restart the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector.

Configuration πŸ”—

To use this integration of a Smart Agent monitor with the Collector:

  1. Include the Smart Agent receiver in your configuration file.

  2. Add the monitor type to the Collector configuration, both in the receiver and pipelines sections.

Example πŸ”—

To activate this integration, add the following to your Collector configuration:

    type: collectd/redis
    ...  # Additional config

Next, add the monitor to the service.pipelines.metrics.receivers section of your configuration file:

      receivers: [smartagent/redis]

Configuration settings πŸ”—

The following table shows the configuration options for the Redis integration:














Path to the Python binary. If you don’t provide a path, the

monitor uses its built-in runtime. The string can include arguments to the binary.




Name for the Redis instance. The maximum length is 64

characters. The default value is β€œ{host}:{port}”.







list of objects (see below)

List of keys that you want to monitor for length. To learn more,

see the section Monitor the length of Redis lists.




Flag that controls verbose logging for the plugin. If true,

verbose logging is activated. The default value isfalse.

The following table shows you the configuration options for the sendListLengths configuration object:








The database index




A string or pattern to use for selecting keys. A string selects

a single key. A pattern that uses * as a glob style wildcard processes all keys that match the pattern. Surround a pattern with single quotes (β€˜), for example 'mylist*'

Monitor the length of Redis lists πŸ”—

To monitor the length of list keys, you must specify the key and database index in the configuration using the following syntax:

sendListLengths: [{databaseIndex: $db_index, keyPattern: "$key_name"}]

You can specify $key_name as a glob-style pattern. The only supported wildcard is * . When you use a pattern, the configuration processes all keys that match the pattern.

To ensure that the * is interpreted correctly, surround the pattern with double quotes (""). When a nonlist key matches the pattern, the Redis monitor writes an error to the agent logs.

in Splunk Observability Cloud, gauge.key_llen is the metric name for Redis list key lengths. Splunk Observability Cloud creates a separate MTS for each Redis list.


  1. The Redis monitor uses the KEYS command to match patterns. Because this command isn’t optimized, you need to keep your match patterns small. Otherwise, the command can block other commands from executing.

  2. To avoid duplicate reporting, choose a single node in which to monitor list lengths. You can use the main node configuration or a follower node configuration.

Metrics πŸ”—

The following metrics are available for this integration:

Notes πŸ”—

  • To learn more about the available in Splunk Observability Cloud see Metric types

  • In host-based subscription plans, default metrics are those metrics included in host-based subscriptions in Splunk Observability Cloud, such as host, container, or bundled metrics. Custom metrics are not provided by default and might be subject to charges. See Metric categories for more information.

  • In MTS-based subscription plans, all metrics are custom.

  • To add additional metrics, see how to configure extraMetrics in Add additional metrics

Troubleshooting πŸ”—

If you are a Splunk Observability Cloud customer and are not able to see your data in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can get help in the following ways.

Available to Splunk Observability Cloud customers

Available to prospective customers and free trial users

  • Ask a question and get answers through community support at Splunk Answers .

  • Join the Splunk #observability user group Slack channel to communicate with customers, partners, and Splunk employees worldwide. To join, see Chat groups in the Get Started with Splunk Community manual.

Database Query Performance πŸ”—

You can troubleshoot Redis command performance issues using Database Query Performance in Splunk APM.

This page was last updated on Feb 11, 2025.