Available Amazon Web Services integrations 🔗
To learn about AWS and Splunk Observability Cloud, read Connect AWS to Splunk Observability Cloud.
You can collect data from the following AWS services:
Namespace |
Service |
Provides metrics |
Provides traces |
Provides logs |
Provides metadata (tags/properties) (4) |
AWS/ACMPrivateCA |
ACM Private CA |
X |
AWS/AmazonMQ |
Amazon Managed Message Broker (MQ) |
X |
X |
AWS/ApiGateway |
Amazon API Gateway |
X |
X |
AWS/ApplicationELB |
AWS Elastic Load Balancing (Application Load Balancers) |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/AppStream |
AppStream 2.0 |
X |
AWS/Athena |
Amazon Athena |
X |
AWS/AutoScaling |
AWS Auto Scaling |
X |
X (1) |
X |
AWS/Backup |
Amazon Backup |
X |
AWS/Billing |
AWS Billing |
X |
AWS/Cassandra |
Amazon Keyspaces |
X |
X |
AWS/CertificateManager |
AWS Certificate Manager |
X |
X |
AWS/CloudFront |
AWS CloudFront |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/CloudHSM |
AWS CloudHSM |
X |
X (1) |
AWS/CloudSearch |
Amazon CloudSearch |
X |
AWS/CodeBuild |
AWS CodeBuild |
X |
X |
AWS/Cognito |
Amazon Cognito |
X |
X |
AWS/Connect |
Amazon Connect |
X |
AWS/DDoSProtection |
AWS Shield Advanced |
X |
AWS Database Migration Service |
X |
Amazon DocumentDB |
X |
X |
AWS Direct Connect |
X |
X |
AWS/DynamoDB |
Amazon DynamoDB |
X |
X |
X |
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) |
X |
X |
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) |
X |
X |
X (3) |
X |
AWS/EC2Spot |
Amazon EC2 Spot Instances |
X |
X (3) |
Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) |
X |
X |
X (1) |
X |
Amazon Elastic File System |
X |
X |
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) |
X (5) |
X (5) |
X |
X |
AWS/ElastiCache |
Amazon ElastiCache |
X |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/ElasticBeanstalk |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/ElasticInference |
Amazon Elastic Inference |
X |
AWS/ElasticMapReduce |
Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) |
X |
X |
AWS/ElasticTranscoder |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder |
X |
AWS Elastic Load Balancing (Classic Load Balancers) |
X |
X |
Amazon Elasticsearch Service |
X |
X |
AWS/Events |
Amazon CloudWatch Events |
X |
X |
AWS/Firehose |
Amazon Kinesis Firehose |
X |
X |
X |
Amazon FSx for Lustre or Windows File Server |
X |
AWS/GameLift |
Amazon GameLift |
X |
AWS/GatewayELB |
Elastic Load Balancing (Gateway Load Balancers) |
X |
X |
AWS/GlobalAccelerator |
AWS Global Accelerator |
X |
X |
AWS/Inspector |
Amazon Inspector |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/IoTAnalytics |
AWS IoT Analytics |
X |
AWS/Kafka |
Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK) |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/Kinesis |
Amazon Kinesis Streams |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/KinesisAnalytics |
Amazon Kinesis Analytics |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/KinesisVideo |
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams |
X |
AWS Key Management Service |
X |
AWS/Lambda |
AWS Lambda |
X |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/Lex |
Amazon Lex |
X |
X (1) |
AWS/Logs |
Amazon CloudWatch Logs |
X |
AWS/MediaConnect |
AWS Elemental MediaConnect |
X |
AWS/MediaConvert |
AWS Elemental MediaConvert |
X |
AWS/MediaPackage |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage |
X |
AWS/MediaTailor |
AWS Elemental MediaTailor |
X |
Amazon Machine Learning |
X |
AWS/MWAA (component metrics) |
Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow |
X |
X |
AmazonMWAA (environment metrics) |
Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow |
X |
X |
AWS/NATGateway |
Amazon VPC (NAT gateway) |
X |
X |
AWS/Neptune |
Amazon Neptune |
X |
X |
AWS/NetworkELB |
AWS Elastic Load Balancing (Network Load Balancers) |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/NetworkFirewall |
AWS Network Firewall |
X |
X |
AWS/OpsWorks |
AWS OpsWorks |
X |
X |
AWS/Polly |
Amazon Polly |
X |
Amazon Relational Database Service |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/Redshift |
Amazon Redshift |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/Robomaker |
AWS RoboMaker |
X |
X |
AWS/Route53 |
Amazon Route 53 |
X |
X |
AWS/S3 |
Amazon Simple Storage Service |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/S3/Storage-Lens |
Amazon S3 Storage Lens |
X |
AWS/SageMaker |
Amazon SageMaker |
X |
X |
AWS/sagemaker/Endpoints |
Amazon SageMaker Endpoints |
X |
X |
AWS/sagemaker/TrainingJobs |
Amazon SageMaker Training Jobs |
X |
X |
AWS/sagemaker/TransformJobs |
Amazon SageMaker Transform Jobs |
X |
X |
AWS/SDKMetrics |
AWS SDK Metrics for Enterprise Support |
X |
Amazon Simple Email Service |
X |
Amazon Simple Notification Service |
X |
X |
X |
Amazon Simple Queue Service |
X |
X |
X |
AWS/States |
AWS Step Functions |
X |
X |
AWS/StorageGateway |
AWS Storage Gateway |
X |
Amazon Simple Workflow Service |
X |
AWS/Textract |
Amazon Textract |
X |
AWS/ThingsGraph |
AWS IoT Things Graph |
X |
AWS/Translate |
Amazon Translate |
X |
AWS/TrustedAdvisor |
AWS Trusted Advisor |
X |
Amazon VPC VPN |
X |
X |
AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) V2 |
X |
X (1) |
AWS/WorkMail |
Amazon WorkMail |
X |
AWS/WorkSpaces |
Amazon WorkSpaces |
X |
X |
CWAgent |
Amazon CloudWatch Agent |
X |
X (2) |
Glue |
AWS Glue |
X |
X |
MediaLive |
Amazon MediaLive |
X |
System/Linux |
Amazon Linux 2 |
X |
AWS WAF Classic |
X |
The following applies to the collected logs and metadata listed in the table:
CloudWatch Logs only
EC2 tags & properties only
Logs collected by the CloudWatch agent stored in CloudWatch Logs
Metadata in this context refers to AWS tags and properties
Collected by the Splunk Distribution of the Collector for Kubernetes
The following applies to GovCloud regions:
Metric sync in GovCloud regions is limited to namespaces supported by AWS. Verify the specific namespaces available in your GovCloud region in the official AWS documentation Services in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions .
AWS doesn’t currently provide FIPS-complaint endpoints to retrieve tags. If you set up tags in your AWS GovCloud infrastructure do not include any sensitive information. In Splunk Observability Cloud AWS tags are identified by the prefix