Identify errors in browser spans π
The following scenario features Buttercup Industries, a fictitious e-commerce company.
Errors in Splunk RUM π
Splunk RUM for Browser captures all HTTP status codes and you can see all XMLHttpRequest (XHR) objects and fetch requests in Tag Spotlight. The endpoints errors metric counts 5xx errors and 4xx errors. Each span in Splunk RUM contains tags and errors are defined as a span with these attributes:
The following definitions and examples show different types of errors you can look for in their data with Splunk RUM for Browser.
JavaScript errors π
In Splunk RUM for Browser, there are two types of JavaScript errors, explicit JavaScript console errors and uncaught JavaScript errors, like onerror events. Front-end errors are shown by page and described in terms of errors per minute or errors per page load or route change.
JavaScript console errors π
A JavaScript console error is an explicit error. If the error console.error(...)
surfaces and contains a custom error message they wrote that describes the context or cause of the error.
Uncaught JavaScript errors π
An uncaught JavaScript error is an implicit error. Uncaught JavaScript errors typically donβt have custom error messages. Uncaught JavaScript errors can contain important information in an unedited format like a stack trace. Both caught and uncaught JavaScript errors can contain stack traces. This example span of an uncaught error from the fictitious application shows what fields you might see in Splunk RUM in the sesion details view.
Span ID c85a362c4667
Operation console.error
_sf_ua_browserName Safari
_sf_ua_browserVersion 87.0.4280.88
_sf_ua_clientIP exampleIP
_sf_ua_osName Linux
app ExampleName
component error
error true
error.message Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Price' of undefined
error.object String
location.href http://example
norm.location.href http://example
customerId c123
ot.status_code UNSET
splunk.rumSessionId session123
splunk.rumVersion 0.0.14
splunk.scriptInstance instance123
Back-end errors and long resource response times π
Back-end errors are captured for both first-party and third-party endpoints.
Resource errors π
In Splunk RUM for Browser, resource errors are explicit HTTP event errors like fetch errors, AJAX errors and XHR requests. An XHR/fetch error happens when the server encounters an error. For example, if a user requested to access data on an application and the data was deleted from the server. A third-party resource error is when a user tries to access resource over a network and the resource is unavailable. For example, if a user on your application tries to load a JavaScript, CSS, or image resource, but it didnβt load.
Resource response time π
Splunk RUM for Browser monitors the performance of endpoints to identify spikes in behavior like slow resource response.
Example span π
This shows an example span for the fictitious βmy-appβ with a 404 error.
Span ID c85a362c4668
Operation HTTP GET
_sf_ua_browserName Chrome
_sf_ua_browserVersion 87.0.4280.88
_sf_ua_osName Mac OS X
_sf_ua_osVersion 10.15.7
app my-app
component xml-http-request
error true
http.method GET
http.response_content_length 18
http.scheme http
http.status_code 404
http.status_text Not Found
http.url /api/ratings/api/fetch/STAN-1
http.user_agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
orgId org123
ot.status_code UNSET
span.kind client
splunk.rumSessionId session123
splunk.rumVersion 0.0.14
splunk.scriptInstance instance123
Summary π
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