Docs » Authentication and Security » Create and manage authentication tokens using Splunk Observability Cloud » Manage data ingest using access tokens

Manage data ingest using access tokens 🔗

If you have Infrastructure Monitoring Enterprise Edition, you can manage costs associated with sending in data by setting limits on access tokens.

Regardless of the edition you’re using, access tokens also help you control the rate at which you use Infrastructure Monitoring resources. This feature allows you to provide exemplary performance in the user interface.

Token limits per pricing plan 🔗

The limits you can set for a token depend on your pricing plan. Each limit represents the maximum number of resources that can use a specific access token. The following table describes the limits for each pricing plan:

Pricing plan

Available limits


Maximum data points per minute from all hosts

Host-based pricing

One or more of the following limits:

  • Hosts

  • Docker containers

  • Custom metrics

Usage-based pricing

One or more of the following limits:

  • Custom metrics

Set up access token limits and alerts 🔗

To set token limits:

  1. Select Manage Token Limit from the token’s actions menu (⋯). The Manage Token Limits options appear. Depending on your pricing model, you see up to four cost-related token limits you can set. You can also set the Job Start Rate and Event Search Rate rate-related limits.

  2. Enter a value for the limit or limits you want to set.

    • For cost-related limits, to remove an existing limit, select Remove Limit.

    • For rate-related limits, to remove an existing limit, delete everything from the text box.

  3. To send a notification to recipients when a cost-related usage exceeds one of the limits, select Add Recipient and select the recipient or notification method you want to use.

  4. Select Update. This creates a detector based on the access token limits you set. When a limit condition is met, the detector displays an alert on the Alerts page and sends a notification to any designated recipients.

  5. If you chose a team as a notification recipient and you want to have alerts display on the team’s Dashboards page, you must link the detector you created in the previous step to the team. To do this:

    1. Access the left navigation panel and select Detectors & SLOs.

    2. Select the Detectors tab.

    3. Search for the detector you created. By default, the detector’s name includes the name of the access token it was created for. So, an easy way to find the detector is to search for the name of the access token.

    4. Open the detector’s action menu (⋯) and select Links to Teams. Select a team.

    5. Select Done.

    6. When the detector issues a notification about the access token, an alert displays on the team’s Dashboards page.

    For more information about linking detectors to teams, see Link a detector to a team.

    For more information about Dashboards pages for teams, also known as team landing pages, see Manage team landing pages in Splunk Observability Cloud.

Set up custom alerts for use with access tokens 🔗

You can create a regular detector to set up an alert for a token when its usage has reached a different level than 90%. You can also use a detector to monitor resource usage by a token if the resource isn’t part of the limits provided by Infrastructure Monitoring.

You can’t set up alerts or notifications for rate-related token limits.

To track token usage, use one of the following metrics:

  • (for hosts and containers)


In your detector, filter these metrics using the property tokenName to identify the token you want to monitor.

Manage resource usage for a team 🔗

To manage resource usage by team:

  1. Create a token you want team members to use.

  2. Set limits for the token.

  3. Tell team members to use the specified token when sending data to Infrastructure Monitoring.

Monitor access token usage 🔗

To see usage status for an access token:

  1. Navigate to your profile page.

  2. In the area that lists your organization, select Access Tokens.

  3. Select the token name. The details for the token appear. The display is specific to your pricing model and the limits you’ve set.

Tokens can be Above Limit, Close to Limit, or Below Limit. Token status is Close to Limit if the usage of any of its limits is greater than or equal to 90%.

The usage status is the status of the usage that’s closest to its limit. For example, suppose you have set limits for both Hosts and Custom Metrics for a token. The tokens page displays the usage for the token as Above Limit if the Hosts usage is over its limit, even if the Custom Metrics value is below its limit.

To view usage values for a token, hover over its usage status. To display more detailed information for the token, select the token name.

If API requests are using the token to send data to Infrastructure Monitoring, a chart shows how much ingest levels in the past seven days for each usage limit. The chart displays data at a one-hour resolution.

Infrastructure Monitoring monitors the token whether you set limits for the token or not.

This page was last updated on Feb 03, 2025.