Docs » Get started with the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector » Get started with the Collector for Windows » Install the Collector for Windows manually

Install the Collector for Windows manually πŸ”—

Before proceeding to install the Collector for Windows manually, check the prerequisites.

Modify the default configuration πŸ”—

All installation methods offer default configurations using environment variables. Before starting the splunk-otel-collector service, replace the variables in the default configuration file with the appropriate values for your environment. See Advanced configuration for Windows for more information.

Splunk-specific environment variables are listed on the table below:



Default config?


The Splunk access token to authenticate requests



The Splunk API URL. For example,



memory_ballast is deprecated. If you’re using this variable, see how to update your configuration.



The path to the Smart Agent bundle. For example, /usr/lib/splunk-otel-collector/agent-bundle



The path to the collectd config directory for the Smart Agent. For example, /usr/lib/splunk-otel-collector/agent-bundle/run/collectd



Destination path of the Collector custom configuration file



Specifies your custom configuration YAML. This is useful in environments where access to the underlying file system is not readily available



By default, the Collector provides a sensitive value-redacting, local config server listening at http://localhost:55554/debug/configz/effective, which is helpful in troubleshooting. To disable it, set SPLUNK_DEBUG_CONFIG_SERVER to any value other than true. To set the desired port to listen to, use SPLUNK_DEBUG_CONFIG_SERVER_PORT



The Splunk HEC authentication token



The Splunk HEC endpoint URL. For example,



The Splunk ingest URL. For example,



The network interface the agent receivers listen on. by default



Use it to set the memory limit for the memory_limiter processor. 512 MiB by default



Total memory in MiB to allocate to the Collector



Your Splunk realm



The Splunk trace endpoint URL. For example,


SPLUNK_*_URL environment variables are automatically derived from SPLUNK_REALM. For example, SPLUNK_INGEST_URL =


When configuring additional settings, use service, process, or terminal scopes.

Configure proxy settings πŸ”—

To configure proxy settings to install and run the OpenTelemetry Collector, see Configure proxy settings for the Collector.

Windows installer file (MSI) installation πŸ”—

To install the package using Windows Installer, download the Windows MSI package (64-bit only) from GitHub releases .

  • The package is installed to \Program Files\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector.

  • The splunk-otel-collector service is created, but not started.

  • A default configuration file is copied to \ProgramData\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector\agent_config.yaml, if it does not already exist. This file is required to start the splunk-otel-collector service.


The ProgramData folder is hidden by default on Windows.

Next, proceed with the GUI, or follow the instructions to install using a Powershell terminal.

Install using the GUI πŸ”—

Run the downloaded package and follow the instructions in the guided setup.

Install using a PowerShell terminal πŸ”—

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a PowerShell terminal.

  2. Run the following command, where PATH_TO_MSI is the full path to the downloaded package. For example, C:\your\download\folder\splunk-otel-collector-0.4.0-amd64.msi.

Start-Process -Wait msiexec "/i PATH_TO_MSI /qn"
  1. Update all variables in the configuration file as appropriate.

  2. Start the splunk-otel-collector service by rebooting the system or by running the following command in a PowerShell terminal:

Start-Service splunk-otel-collector

Learn more about advanced configuration options (including Service Logging) using PowerShell in the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector Windows manual .

Install Fluentd MSI for log collection πŸ”—

Default log collection πŸ”—

Install, configure, and start the Collector with Windows Installer. The Collector default configuration file \ProgramData\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector\agent_config.yaml listens for log events on and sends them to Splunk Observability Cloud.

Log collection with Fluentd πŸ”—


You need to be an Admin to configure log collection with Fluentd.

Perform the following steps to install Fluentd and forward collected log events to the Collector:

  1. Install Fluentd MSI version 4.0 or higher.

  2. Configure Fluentd to collect log events and forward them to the Collector:

    • Option 1: Update the default config file provided by the Fluentd MSI at \opt\td-agent\etc\td-agent\td-agent.conf to collect the desired log events and forward them to

    • Option 2: The installed Collector package provides a custom Fluentd config file \Program Files\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector\fluentd\td-agent.conf to collect log events from the Windows Event Log \Program Files\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector\fluentd\conf.d\eventlog.conf and forwards them to

    To use these files, backup the \opt\td-agent\etc\td-agent` directory, and copy the contents from \Program Files\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector\fluentd` to \opt\td-agent\etc\td-agent`.

  3. To apply any changes made to the Fluentd config files, restart the system, or restart fluentdwinsvc .

- Stop-Service fluentdwinsvc
- Start-Service fluentdwinsvc
  1. View the Fluentd service logs and errors in \opt\td-agent\td-agent.log.

Learn more about general Fluentd configuration details in the official Fluentd documentation .

Install using a Chocolatey package πŸ”—

A Chocolatey package is available to download, install, and configure the Collector and Fluentd with the following PowerShell command:

choco install splunk-otel-collector --params="'/SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN:MY_SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN /SPLUNK_REALM:MY_SPLUNK_REALM'"

Learn more about the package parameters in GitHub.

Install using Docker πŸ”—

Run the following command to deploy the latest Docker image:

$ docker run --rm -e SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN=12345 -e SPLUNK_REALM=us0  `
          -p 13133:13133 -p 14250:14250 -p 14268:14268 -p 4317:4317 -p 6060:6060  `
          -p 8888:8888 -p 9080:9080 -p 9411:9411 -p 9943:9943 `

Install using the binary file πŸ”—

To install the Collector using the binary file, follow these steps:

  1. Download the binary for your architecture from GitHub releases .

  2. If you’re not using an existing or custom config file, download the default config file <>` for the Collector. See more at Collector for Windows default configuration.

  3. Run the binary from the command line:

# see available command-line options
PS> & '<download dir>\otelcol_windows_amd64.exe' --help
Usage of otelcol:
    --config string          Locations to the config file(s), note that only a single location can be set per flag entry e.g. --config=/path/to/first --config=path/to/second. (default "[]")
    --feature-gates string   Comma-delimited list of feature gate identifiers. Prefix with '-' to disable the feature. '+' or no prefix will enable the feature. (default "[]")
    --no-convert-config      Do not translate old configurations to the new format automatically. By default, old configurations are translated to the new format for backward compatibility.
    --set string             Set arbitrary component config property. The component has to be defined in the config file and the flag has a higher precedence. Array config properties are overridden and maps are joined. Example --set=processors.batch.timeout=2s (default "[]")
    -v, --version                Version of the collector.

# set the SPLUNK_REALM and SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN env vars required in our default config files
PS> $env:SPLUNK_REALM = "<realm>"
PS> $env:SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN = "<token>"

# start the collector
PS> & '<download dir>\otelcol_windows_amd64.exe' --config=<path to config file>

# alternatively, use the SPLUNK_CONFIG env var instead of the --config command-line option
PS> $env:SPLUNK_CONFIG = "<path to config file>"
PS> & '<download dir>\otelcol_windows_amd64.exe'

# type Ctrl-c to stop the collector

Use a custom configuration file πŸ”—

If you’re using a custom configuration file, mount the directory containing the file and either use the SPLUNK_CONFIG=<path> environment variable or the --config=<path> command line argument. Replace <path> with the path to the custom file within the container.

To mount configuration files on a Windows container, specify a directory name in which the configuration file is present.

Example with SPLUNK_CONFIG πŸ”—

$ docker run --rm -e SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN=12345 -e SPLUNK_REALM=us0 `
          -e SPLUNK_CONFIG=c:\splunk_config\gateway_config.yaml -p 13133:13133  `
          -p 14250:14250 -p 14268:14268 -p 4317:4317 -p 6060:6060 -p 8888:8888 -p 9080:9080 `
          -p 9411:9411 -p 9943:9943 -v ${PWD}\splunk_config:c:\splunk_config:RO `
          --name otelcol

Example with --config πŸ”—

$ docker run --rm -e SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN=12345 -e SPLUNK_REALM=us0 `
    -p 13133:13133 -p 14250:14250 -p 14268:14268 -p 4317:4317 -p 6060:6060 `
    -p 8888:8888 -p 9080:9080 -p 9411:9411 -p 9943:9943 `
    -v ${PWD}\splunk_config:c:\splunk_config:RO `
    --name otelcol `
    --config c:\splunk_config\gateway_config.yaml

Next steps πŸ”—

After you have installed the package, see:

This page was last updated on Apr 23, 2024.