Docs » Connect to your cloud service provider » Connect your Azure account to Splunk Observability Cloud » Azure authentication, permissions, and supported regions

Azure authentication, permissions, and supported regions 🔗

Successful integration requires administrator privileges for the following:

  • Your organization in Splunk Observability Cloud.

  • Creating a new Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) application.

To learn more about these privileges, see the Azure documentation for registering a new app.


Splunk Observability Cloud supports all Azure regular regions, and Azure Government.

Prepare Azure for the integration 🔗

To prepare Microsoft Azure to connect with Splunk Observability Cloud:

  1. Create a Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) application.

  2. Specify subscriptions and set subscription permissions.


You need to prepare your Microsoft Account in the Azure console. The following sections summarize the steps you need to follow. For more details, refer to the official Azure documentation.

Create a Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) application 🔗

Follow these steps to create a new Microsoft Entra ID application:

  1. In your Azure portal, navigate to Microsoft Entra ID, and register your new app. Splunk Observability Cloud does not use this information, but you need to provide it in order to create an app on Azure.

  2. The Azure portal displays a summary about the application. Save the following information to use when you create your Azure integration in Splunk Observability Cloud:

  • Directory (tenant) ID

  • Application (client) ID

  1. Select Certificates & secrets. The Certificate is your public key, and the client secret is your password.

  2. Create a client secret by providing a description and setting the duration to the longest possible interval, and Save. Remember the client secret, you’ll need it to create your Azure integration in Splunk Observability Cloud.

Specify subscriptions and set subscription permissions 🔗

Set your subscription permissions:

  1. In the Azure portal, look for your Subscriptions.

  2. Find a subscription you want to monitor, and navigate to Access control (IAM).

  3. Select Add, then select Add role assignment.

  4. On the Add role assignment page, perform the following steps:

    • From the Role drop-down list, select the Monitoring Reader role.

    • Leave the Assign access to drop-down list unchanged.

    • Go to Select member. In the Select text box, start entering the name of the Azure application you just created. The Azure portal automatically suggests names as you type. Enter the application name, and Save.


Repeat these steps for each subscription you want to monitor.

Connect and send your Azure data 🔗

After setting up your account proceed to:

This page was last updated on Jun 14, 2024.