Docs » Alert message variables reference

Alert message variables reference đź”—

The following tables describe the variables and helper functions you can use when creating a custom message. Use triple braces where indicated so that the variable value is not escaped.


Different additional variables may be available depending on the alert condition you specify. If you change the alert condition after customizing the message, an icon on the Message preview tab appears.

This image shows the message tab icon.

This is to remind you to review the message, since some variables you used might no longer apply to the new condition you selected. The icon is removed when you navigate away from the Message preview tab.

Detector and rule details




The name of this detector


The name of the rule that triggered the alert


The severity of this rule: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, or Info


The readable description of this rule. For example: “The value of is above 100”.


URL of page to see when this alert is triggered


Plain text suggested first course of action, such as a command line to run.


The ID of this detector. You can use this to programmatically reference this detector.


The URL of this detector

Alert details



There are two variations of this variable:
  • {{timestamp}}

  • {{dateTimeFormat timestamp format=”short”}}

  • {{timestamp}} gives the UTC timestamp of this alert in the following format: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 22:11:32 GMT

  • {{dateTimeFormat timestamp format=”short”}} gives the UTC timestamp of this alert in UNIX time: 1678313492000

Note: When an alert fires or clears, it always generates a timestamp in UTC. However, in the preview message for the alert, you will see this timestamp in your UI time zone, which might be different from GMT.


The state of this alert (OK or ANOMALOUS)


Boolean; true indicates that the alert triggered


Boolean; true indicates that the alert cleared


The URL for the preview image shown in the notification message


The ID of this incident. The incidentID is the same for both the trigger and the clear alerts.

Signal details




The value of the signal on plot line A


(The value of other signals in the detector)


List of all dimensions for the signal being monitored, in the following format:

{sf_metric=metricName, dimensionNameA=valueA, dimensionNameB=valueB, …}


The value of the dimension “dimensionName” for the signal being monitored


The value of other dimensions for the signal being monitored


The value of other dimensions for the signal being monitored. When dimension names contain dots (.), you must enclose them in square brackets ([]) for the variable to work.





The organization ID. You can use this to programmatically reference this organization.

Helper functions



{{#if}} {{else}} {{/if}}

Conditional, e.g.

{{#if anomalous}}Alert triggered at {{timestamp}} {{else}} Alert cleared at {{timestamp}} {{/if}}

{{#notEmpty dimensions}} {{/notEmpty}}

If there are dimensions associated with the signal, e.g.

{{#notEmpty dimensions}} Signal details: {{{dimensions}}} {{/notEmpty}}

Here is an example of a default message that you can customize:

{{#if anomalous}}
   Rule "{{ruleName}}" in detector "{{detectorName}}" triggered at {{timestamp}}.
   Rule "{{ruleName}}" in detector "{{detectorName}}" cleared at {{timestamp}}.

{{#if anomalous}}
Triggering condition: {{{readableRule}}}

{{#if anomalous}}Signal value: {{inputs.A.value}}
{{else}}Current signal value: {{inputs.A.value}}

{{#notEmpty dimensions}}
Signal details:

{{#if anomalous}}
{{#if runbookUrl}}Runbook: {{{runbookUrl}}}{{/if}}
{{#if tip}}Tip: {{{tip}}}{{/if}}

The following tables describe the additional variables you can use when creating a custom message for specific alert conditions.

Resource running out




Number of hours remaining before reaching empty or capacity


Threshold for triggering alert, in hours


Threshold for clearing alert, in hours

Outlier detection




Signal being monitored


Threshold for triggering alert when value is lower than the threshold


Threshold for clearing alert


Threshold for triggering alert when value is higher than the threshold


Threshold for clearing alert

Sudden change




Window being tested for anomalous values


Minimum value during current window


Maximum value during current window


Threshold for triggering alert when value is lower than the threshold


Threshold for clearing alert


Threshold for triggering alert when value is higher than the threshold


Threshold for clearing alert

Historical anomaly


Corresponds to


Window being tested for anomalous values


Mean value during current window


Threshold for triggering alert when value is lower than the threshold


Threshold for clearing alert


Threshold for triggering alert when value is higher than the threshold


Threshold for clearing alert

This page was last updated on Sep 12, 2023.