View detectors 🔗
You can view detectors as line items in a list, or individually. When you open an individual detector, you can see also see its rules and settings.
View a list of all detectors 🔗
You can see a list of existing detectors in the Detectors tab on the Detectors & SLOs page. If a detector is currently muted or scheduled to be muted, a red or grey indicator (respectively) appears next to the detector. For more information, see Search and view muting rules.
View an individual detector 🔗
There are two charts in the detector view. On the right side, you can see a detailed view. It shows each datapoint at the native resolution of the detector and represents exactly the datapoints that the detector sees. On the left side, you can see a summary view. It shows a summary of the data over a longer period of time. Because it is a summary, short spikes are not visible. The yellow box controls which part of the summary chart displays in the detail chart. You can see a short-term spike in the detail view by dragging the yellow box to the area where the alert fired.
The Alert Rules tab is open when you open a detector, showing a chart that represents values for the visible signals. The list of detector rules and the number of currently active alerts for each rule are visible. To learn more, see See which alerts are active for a detector. For information on creating rules, see Create alert rules for your detector or Configure detectors and alerts in Splunk APM, depending on which type of detector you are creating.
As with charts, the resolution of data displayed is determined by the chart’s time range. The detail view at right displays data at the detector’s resolution, that is, the frequency at which the detector evaluates the signal. Any events that have occurred during the detector’s time range are shown under the X axis.
If a detector contains a SignalFlow tab, you are viewing a detector that created using the API.
If you are familiar with the API, you can use this tab to view and edit the detector code and make changes to the detector rules. For more information, see Edit detectors through the SignalFlow tab.
View a detector’s properties 🔗
You can see a detector’s properties, such as its description and creator, by following these steps:
Open the detector.
Select the detector’s actions menu (⋯), then select
This displays the detector’s properties, as shown in the illustration.