Docs » Splunk On-Call integrations » Microsoft SCOM integration for Splunk On-Call

Microsoft SCOM integration for Splunk On-Call 🔗

The following PowerShell script shows how to integrate Splunk On-Call with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager. Call this script from SCOM’s command notification channel.


This is not an officially supported integration.

Requirements 🔗

This integration is compatible with the following versions of Splunk On-Call:

  • Starter

  • Growth

  • Enterprise

PowerShell script 🔗

Change $RoutingKey to the routing key you would like to pass in or remove it to send it to the default key. See Create Routing Keys in Splunk On-Call.

If your alerts are coming into Splunk On-Call but going to the wrong team, you might have to hardcode the routing key into the URL on lines 57 and 67 of the script instead of using the $RoutingKey variable.

Change api-key to the organization API key or default it in the second parameter.

< #.SYNOPSIS Splunk On-Call Alerting from Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) through PowerShell Call this script from SCOM's command notification channel - be sure to update the API key (parameter #2). See Example for usage. .DESCRIPTION Post alerts to Splunk On-Call from Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) through PowerShell .EXAMPLE FULL PATH OF THE COMMAND FILE: C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS: "C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alert_Test.ps1" '"$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/AlertId$"' '"$RoutingKey"' '"api-key"' # !Change $RoutingKey to the routing key you would like to pass in or remove it alltogether to default to 'everyone' # !Change api-key to the organization api key or default it in parameter #2 STARTUP FOLDER FOR THE COMMAND LINE: C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ .EXAMPLE # Easier to look at: "C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alerts.ps1" ^ '"$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/AlertId$"' ^ '"$RoutingKey"'' ^ '"api-key"' # Change $RoutingKey to the routing key you would like to pass in, or remove it alltogether to default to 'everyone' #>
Param (
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Unique AlertID must be provided.")][GUID]$AlertID,
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Team routing key, optional.")]     [String]$RoutingKey = "everyone",
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Organization API key (see REST API Integrations settings in Splunk On-Call), optional.")][String]$API = "",
   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Monitoring tool, optional.")]      [String]$MonitoringTool = "Microsoft System Center Operations Manager"

# Required: OperationsManager Module
Import-Module OperationsManager

## Find the alert
$Alert = Get-SCOMAlert | where { $ -eq $AlertID.ToString() }

# Determine the status of the alert
switch ($Alert.ResolutionState) {
   0 { $Status = "CRITICAL" }
   255 { $Status = "RECOVERY" }
   default { $Status = "CRITICAL" }

# workaround for unix/linux hosts - hostnames do not come through clearly in SCOM
if ($Alert.NetbiosComputerName -ne $null) { $hstname = $alert.NetbiosComputerName }
elseif ($Alert.MonitoringObjectPath -ne $null) { $hstname = $alert.MonitoringObjectFullName }
else { $hstname = $alert.MonitoringObjectName }

## Setup our Subject & StateMessage to be passed
[String]$Subject = $Status + ": " + $Alert.Name + " [" + $hstname + "]"
[String]$StateMessage = "Description: " + $Alert.Description + "`n" `
   + "Hostname: " + $hstname + "`n" `
   + "Timestamp: " + $Alert.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime() + " PST `n" `
   + "Team: " + $RoutingKey.ToUpper() + "`n" `
   + "Last modified by: " + $Alert.LastModifiedBy + "`n" `
   + "Last modified time: " + $Alert.LastModified + "`n" `

## Convert to json
$props = @{
   message_type        = $Status; #[String] One of the following values: INFO, WARNING, ACKNOWLEDGMENT, CRITICAL, RECOVERY
   timestamp           = $Alert.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime(); #[Number] Timestamp of the alert in seconds since epoch. Defaults to the time the alert is received at Splunk On-Call.
   entity_id           = $; #[String] The name of alerting entity. If not provided, a random name will be assigned.
   entity_display_name = $Subject; #[String] Used within Splunk On-Call to display a human-readable name for the entity.
   hostname            = $hstname; #[String] System hostname (set above via logic)
   monitoring_tool     = $MonitoringTool; #[String] The name of the monitoring system software (eg. nagios, icinga, sensu, etc.)
   state_message       = $StateMessage; #[String] Any additional status information from the alert item.
   Subject             = $Subject;
$json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $props

## Log alert

# Event-log
$CheckEventLog = (Get-EventLog -List | ? Log -EQ "OM Alerts")
if ($CheckEventLog -eq $null) {
   try { New-EventLog -LogName "OM Alerts" -Source "Splunk On-Call Alerts" }
   catch { Write-Error "Please rerun the script from a Windows PowerShell console with admin rights ('Run As Administrator'). Cannot continue."; Break }
$event_message = $StateMessage + "`n Command: " + "Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType `"application/json`" -Body `n$json`n -Uri `"$API/$RoutingKey`""

Write-EventLog -LogName "OM Alerts" -Source "Splunk On-Call Alerts" -Message $event_message -EventId 2 -EntryType Information

< # Text file $Logstring = $StateMessage.replace("`n"," ") $Logfile = "C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alerts.log" $DateTime = Get-Date -Uformat "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" $Logstring = $DateTime + " " + $Logstring Add-content $Logfile -value $Logstring $json | Out-File -FilePath "C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alerts.$RoutingKey.json" #>

# Post the alert
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post `
   -ContentType "application/json" `
   -Body $json `
   -Uri "$API/$RoutingKey"

This page was last updated on Apr 29, 2024.