Docs » Splunk On-Call integrations » Jenkins integration for Splunk On-Call

Jenkins integration for Splunk On-Call 🔗

With hundreds of plugins in the Update Center, Jenkins integrates with practically every tool in the continuous integration and continuous delivery toolchain. The Splunk On-Call integration with Jenkins provides real-time contextual information regarding your builds directly into the timeline.

Requirements 🔗

This integration is compatible with the following versions of Splunk On-Call:

  • Starter

  • Growth

  • Enterprise

The remainder of this topic walks you through the Jenkins integration with Splunk On-Call.


There are two Jenkins integrations, this one with Splunk On-Call, and the Jenkins Delivery Insights Integration , which sends notifications to the Timeline about build status.

Splunk On-Call configuration 🔗

  1. Navigate to the Integrations page and find the REST endpoint integration by visiting Integrations >> REST Endpoint.

  2. Copy the REST endpoint URL to your clipboard.

Jenkins configuration 🔗

  1. Select the build or deployment you want to add Splunk On-Call notifications for, then select Configure.

  1. Under “Build,” select Add build step, then Execute shell.

  1. Paste the following cURL command into the “Command” box. Make sure to replace the “SPLUNKONCALL_REST_ENDPOINT_URL” with the URL you copied from Splunk On-Call.

curl -X POST --header 'Accept: application/json' --data '{ "entity_id": "'${BUILD_NAME}'", "message_type": "INFO", "state_message": "Jenkins Build: '${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME}' is underway", "BUILD_ID": "'${BUILD_ID}'" }' '**SPLUNKONCALL_REST_ENDPOINT_URL**'
  1. To add additional Jenkins variables, select the available environment variables link to see the available list:

  1. Save your configuration, then you are done.

This page was last updated on Aug 05, 2024.