以下のシナリオでは、架空の E コマース企業である Buttercup Industries の例を取り上げています。各シナリオでは、Buttercup Industries という E コマース企業のサイト信頼性エンジニアである Kai が登場し、Splunk RUM と Splunk Observability Cloud を使用してアプリケーションとサービスを監視し、対策を講じる方法を紹介しています。
Feedback submitted, thank you! We resolve documentation feedback based on the severity of the issue reported, as well as an assessment of the potential number of customers who might be affected.
If you have a question about using Splunk software, we encourage you to check Splunk Answers or Splunk community Slack to see if similar questions have been answered, or to post your question for others to answer. If you have an active support entitlement and believe that your situation is caused by a product defect, file a support case in the Support portal https://login.splunk.com/page/sso_redirect?type=portal.
We are currently moving to a new documentation site. Expect a delay in responding to your feedback and applying any updates based on your feedback. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to bring you an improved documentation experience!