Advanced test configurations 🔗
- 認証
- Basic authentication through HTML login forms
- Basic authentication through HTTP headers
- Basic authentication through API request headers
- Multifactor authentication through SMS
- Multifactor authentication through email
- Multifactor authentication through SSO and Active Directory
- Multifactor authentication through TOTP
- 組み込み変数
- Custom variables
- Detectors and alerts
- デバイス
- ダウンタイム
- グローバル変数
- プライベートロケーション
- プライベートロケーションのユースケース
- 新しいプライベートロケーションをセットアップする
- Private runners
- Requirements for private runners
- Supported platforms
- Browser compatibility
- Required container permissions
- Required container resources
- Private runners on Docker
- Private runners on Docker Compose
- Private runners on Docker for Mac or Windows
- Private runners on AWS ECS
- Private runners deployed with Helm
- Private runners on Kubernetes
- Private runners on OpenShift
- Private runners on Podman
- Private runners on Podman for MacOS or Windows
- Private runners on ARM64 machines on AWS and GCP
- Troubleshoot a private runner
- Dockerでの作業
- Add certificates
- Configure proxy settings for a private runner
- パブリックロケーション
- Splunk RUM で実行結果をウェブバイタルと比較する
- try nowでテスト設定を検証する
テストの命名規則 🔗
![This image shows two browser tests with the prefix [ButtercupGames].](../../_images/ButtercupGames-naming-convention1.png)