Splunk OpenTelemetry JS version 3.0 breaking changes 🔗
The Splunk OpenTelemetry JS version 3.0 contains a set of breaking changes. Previous versions (version 2.15.0 and prior) are compatible with these new changes. For more information about previous versions, see Splunk Observability Cloud に Node.js アプリケーションをインストルメンテーションする.
Update to Splunk OpenTelemetry JS version 3.0 🔗
To update your Splunk Distribution for OpenTelemetry JS agent to version 3.0, see Node.jsアプリケーションをSplunk Observability Cloudにインストルメンテーションする and install the latest version of the Splunk OpenTelemetry JS agent.
Default port and protocol changes 🔗
In the Node.js 3.x instrumentation, the default protocol changed from gRPC to http/protobuf.
If a custom configuration overrides the default endpoint setting, you must make sure of the following:
Verify that the Node.js agent configuration is correct:
gRPC: 4317
http/protobuf: 4318
Verify that the custom endpoint configuration uses the correct port. For example:
.Verify that the custom protocol configuration uses the correct protocol. For example:
In the OTel Collector configuration file, verify that the associated OTLP receiver protocols match those used by the Node.js agent. Here is an example OTLP receiver configuration in the OTel Collector file:
otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: "${SPLUNK_LISTEN_INTERFACE}:4317" http: endpoint: "${SPLUNK_LISTEN_INTERFACE}:4318"
トラブルシューティング 🔗
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