Splunk Observability Cloud の Azure メトリクス 🔗
By default Splunk Observability Cloud collects metrics from the Azure services listed on the table below as explained in Connect to Azure with the guided setup.
リソース名 |
リソースタイプ |
Azure Analysis Services |
microsoft.analysisservices/servers |
API管理 |
microsoft.apimanagement/service |
アプリサービス |
microsoft.web |
アプリサービス |
microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/multirolepools |
アプリサービス |
microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/workerpools |
アプリサービス |
microsoft.web/serverfarms |
アプリサービス |
microsoft.web/sites |
アプリサービス |
microsoft.web/sites/slots |
Application Gateway |
microsoft.network/applicationgateways |
Automation |
microsoft.automation/automationaccounts |
Azure Analysis Services |
microsoft.analysisservices/servers |
Azure Autoscale |
microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings |
Azure Cosmos DB |
microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts |
Azure Data Explorer |
microsoft.kusto/clusters |
Azure Database for MariaDB |
microsoft.dbformariadb/servers |
Azure Database for MySQL |
microsoft.dbformysql/servers |
Azure Database for MySQL (柔軟なサーバー) |
microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL |
microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers |
Azure DDoS Protection |
microsoft.network/publicipaddresses |
Azure DNS |
microsoft.network/dnszones |
Azure Firewall |
microsoft.network/azurefirewalls |
Azure Front Door |
microsoft.network/frontdoors |
Azure Kubernetes Service |
microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters |
Azure Location Based Services |
microsoft.locationbasedservices/accounts |
Azure Machine Learning |
microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces |
Azure Maps |
microsoft.maps/accounts |
Azure SignalR Service |
microsoft.signalrservice/signalr |
Azure SQL Managed Instances |
microsoft.sql/managedinstances |
Azure Web PubSub |
microsoft.signalrservice/webpubsub |
Batch |
microsoft.batch/batchaccounts |
コンテナ・インスタンス |
microsoft.containerinstance/containergroups |
Cognitive Services |
microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts |
Container Registry |
microsoft.containerregistry/registries |
Content Delivery Network (CDN) ウェブアプリファイアウォールポリシー |
microsoft.cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies |
Content Delivery Network (CDN) のプロファイル |
microsoft.cdn/profiles |
Customer Insights |
microsoft.customerinsights/hubs |
Data Factory |
microsoft.datafactory |
Data Factory |
microsoft.datafactory/datafactories |
Data Factory |
microsoft.datafactory/factories |
Data Lake Analytics |
microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts |
Data Lake Store |
microsoft.datalakestore/accounts |
データ保護バックアップボールト |
microsoft.dataprotection/backupvaults |
Event Grid (ドメイン) |
microsoft.eventgrid/domains |
Event Grid (イベントサブスクリプション) |
microsoft.eventgrid/eventsubscriptions |
Event Grid (エクステンショントピックス) |
microsoft.eventgrid/extensiontopics |
Event Grid (システムトピックス) |
microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics |
Event Grid (トピックス) |
microsoft.eventgrid/topics |
Event Hubs |
microsoft.eventhub/namespaces |
ExpressRoute |
microsoft.network/expressroutecircuits |
HDInsight |
microsoft.hdinsight/clusters |
Iot Hub |
microsoft.devices |
Iot Hub |
microsoft.devices/elasticpools |
Iot Hub |
microsoft.devices/elasticpools/iothubtenants |
Iot Hub |
microsoft.devices/iothubs |
Iot Hub |
microsoft.devices/provisioningservices |
Key Vault |
microsoft.keyvault/vaults |
Load Balancer |
microsoft.network/loadbalancers |
Logic アプリ |
microsoft.logic/workflows |
Network Interfaces |
microsoft.network/networkinterfaces、ネットワーク・インターフェイス |
Notification Hubs |
microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs |
Power BI |
microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities |
リカバリサービスボールト |
microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults |
Redis Cache |
microsoft.cache/redis |
Relays |
microsoft.relay/namespaces |
Search Services |
microsoft.search/searchservices |
Service Bus |
microsoft.servicebus/namespaces |
Storage |
microsoft.storage/storageaccounts |
Storage |
microsoft.storage/storageaccounts/tableservices |
Storage |
microsoft.storage/storageaccounts/blobservices |
Storage |
microsoft.storage/storageaccounts/queueservices |
Storage |
microsoft.storage/storageaccounts/fileservices |
Stream Analytics |
microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs |
SQL Database |
microsoft.sql/servers/databases |
SQL Elastic Pools |
microsoft.sql/servers/elasticpools |
SQL Servers |
microsoft.sql/servers |
Traffic Manager |
microsoft.network/trafficmanagerprofiles |
Virtual Machines |
microsoft.compute/virtualmachines |
Virtual Machines (クラシック) |
microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines |
Virtual Machine Scale Sets |
microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets |
Virtual Machine Scale Sets |
microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets/virtualmachines |
VPN Gateway |
microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways |
Add additional services 🔗
If you want to collect data from other Azure services you need to add them as a custom service in the UI, or with the field additionalServices
if you’re using the API. Splunk Observability Cloud syncs resource types that you specify in services and custom services. If you add a resource type to both fields, Splunk Observability Cloud ignores the duplication.
Any resource type you specify as a custom service must meet the following criteria:
The resource must be an Azure GenericResource type.
If the resource type has a hierarchical structure, only the root resource type is a GenericResource. For example, a Storage Account type can have a File Service type, which in turn can have a File Storage type. In this case, only Storage Account is a GenericResource.
The resource type stores its metrics in Azure Monitor. To learn more about Azure Monitor, refer to the Microsoft Azure documentation.
Azure services metric information 🔗
Metric names and descriptions are generated dynamically from data provided by Microsoft. See all details in Microsoft’s Supported metrics with Azure Monitor .
Every metric can either be a counter or a gauge, depending on what dimension is being looked at. If the MTS contains the dimension aggregation_type: total
or aggregation_type: count
, then it is sent as a counter. Otherwise, it is sent as a gauge. To learn more, see メトリクスタイプ and メトリック時系列.
Azure functions metrics 🔗
Splunk Observability CloudはAzure関数メトリクスをサポートしています。Azure Functionsの詳細については、Microsoft の Azure Functionsドキュメント を参照してください。
Azure Monitorは、Azure関数のメトリクスを Microsoft.Web/sites
の下に公開します。特定の機能メトリクスを区別するために、Splunk Observability Cloudは自動的にディメンション is_Azure_Function
を追加します。メトリクスの完全なリストについては、Microsoft の Supported metrics for Microsoft.Web/sites を参照してください。
組織メトリクス 🔗
Splunk Observability Cloud の組織メトリクスは、インテグレーションが作成したメトリクス時系列 (MTS) の数など、Azure インテグレーションに関連するデータを監視します。組織メトリクスの名前は、すべて文字列 sf.org.num.azure
で始まります。これらのメトリクスの詳細については、Splunk Observability Cloudの組織のメトリクスを表示する を参照してください。