Monitor hosts with collectd and OpenTelemetry 🔗
To monitor your infrastructure with collectd using native OpenTelemetry in Splunk Observability Cloud, install a collectd daemon in your host and connect it to your Collector instance as described in this document.
メリット 🔗
メトリクスを表示します。独自のカスタム・ダッシュボードを作成することができ、ほとんどのモニターは組み込みのダッシュボードも提供しています。ダッシュボードについては、Splunk Observability Cloudでダッシュボードを表示する を参照してください。
Infrastructure Monitoring に表示される環境内の物理サーバー、仮想マシン、AWS インスタンス、およびその他のリソースのデータ駆動型の視覚化を表示します。ナビゲーターについては、Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring でナビゲーターを使用する を参照してください。
Metric Finder にアクセスして、モニターから送信されたメトリクスを検索します。詳細については、Search the Metric Finder and Metadata Catalog を参照してください。
設定 🔗
Install a collectd daemon in your host and connect it to an OpenTelemetry Collector with the following steps:
Install and configure collectd
Configure the OpenTelemetry Collector
Build and run
1. Install and configure collectd 🔗
Follow these steps to install and configure the collectd daemon:
Install collectd as a Debian or Yum package in your host
Configure the daemon to ingest free disk related metrics through collectd/metrics.conf
Configure the daemon to send data over HTTP using collectd/http.conf
In this example, the host is represented by an Ubuntu 24.04 docker image.
build: collectd
container_name: collectd
- otelcollector
- ./collectd/http.conf:/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/http.conf
- ./collectd/metrics.conf:/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/metrics.conf
# OpenTelemetry Collector
container_name: otelcollector
command: ["--config=/etc/otel-collector-config.yml", "--set=service.telemetry.logs.level=debug"]
- ./otel-collector-config.yml:/etc/otel-collector-config.yml
The http and metrics configuration files look like this:
# http.conf
# The minimal configuration required to have collectd send data to an OpenTelemetry Collector
# with a collectdreceiver deployed on port 8081.
LoadPlugin write_http
<Plugin "write_http">
<Node "collector">
URL "http://otelcollector:8081"
Format JSON
VerifyPeer false
VerifyHost false
# metrics.conf
# An example of collectd plugin configuration reporting free disk space on the host.
<LoadPlugin df>
Interval 3600
<Plugin df>
ValuesPercentage true
2. Configure the OpenTelemetry Collector 🔗
Set up your Collector instance to listen for traffic from the collectd daemon over HTTP with the CollectD レシーバー:
endpoint: ""
verbosity: detailed
receivers: [collectd]
exporters: [debug]
Make sure to use
to expose port 8081 over the Docker network interface so that both Docker containers can interact.
3. Build and run 🔗
Run the example with the instruction to start the docker-compose setup and build the collectd container:
$> docker compose up --build
Check that the Collector is receiving metrics and logging them to stdout
via the debug exporter:
$> docker logs otelcollector
A typical output is:
StartTimestamp: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-12-20 19:55:44.006000128 +0000 UTC
Value: 38.976566
Metric #17
-> Name: percent_bytes.reserved
-> Description:
-> Unit:
-> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
-> plugin: Str(df)
-> plugin_instance: Str(etc-hosts)
-> host: Str(ea1d62c7a229)
-> dsname: Str(value)
StartTimestamp: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-12-20 19:55:44.006000128 +0000 UTC
Value: 5.102245
{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "debug"}
トラブルシューティング 🔗
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