Splunk Observability Cloudのチャートタイプ 🔗
Charts in Splunk Observability Cloud are components of a dashboard. Each chart type provides a different way to represent your data:
- グラフチャート: Display data points over a period of time. Graph charts come in four different forms.
カラムチャート: Also known as bar charts. Display each data point as a vertical bar going from the x-axis origin to the measured value of the data point. The bars aren’t connected.
単一値チャート: Display a single value for a data point as it changes over time. In most cases, you use this type of chart to display important metrics as a single number.
ヒートマップチャート: Display a series of squares each representing a single data point of the selected metric. The color of each square represents the value range of the metric allowing quick identification of values that are higher or lower than desired.
イベントフィードチャート: Display a list of events instead of metric data.
テキストチャート: Display descriptive textual information. Add this chart to a dashboard to provide an introduction or instructions for other charts in the dashboard.
テーブルチャート: Display metrics and dimensions in the table format.
To learn more about selecting the appropriate charts in Splunk Observability Cloud, see the following sections for more description and example on each chart type.
グラフチャート 🔗
Use graph charts when you want to display data points over a period of time.
Each metric time series (MTS) in the chart appears as a single plot, and each plot has its own color. For example, a series of line plots for AWS MTS might be colored by their AWS availability zone dimension, with red indicating us-east-1
, green indicating us-east-2
, and purple indicating eu-west-1
線グラフ 🔗
Use line chart when you want to see a series of straight lines that connect the data points in the MTS.
面グラフ 🔗
Use area charts when you want to display your data using both lines and shaded areas between the lines and the x-axis. Each line indicates how an MTS changes over time, while each shaded area indicate how each MTS contributes to the overall trend.
カラムチャート 🔗
Use column charts to display your data as shaded vertical bars starting at the x-axis and ending at the data point value. By default, each plot point is shown as an independent bar.
ヒストグラムチャート 🔗
Use histogram charts to display your data as rectangular bars indicating how many plot points are at that value. For example, a green bar might indicate a higher density of plot points with the relevant value than a red bar. Alternatively, darker shades of a single color might indicate a higher density of plot points for a value than a lighter shade of that same color.
By default, the values of a histogram plot display in a random order. You can organize them into two grouping levels to clarify the data. For example, you can group data by AWS region or availability zone to make it easier to track performance within each region or availability zone.
リストチャート 🔗
Use list charts to display current data values in a list format. By default, the name of each value in the chart reflects the name of the plot and any associated analytics. To avoid having the raw metric name displayed on the chart, give the plot a meaningful name.
Sort list charts 🔗
You can sort a list chart using the API. For more information, see the Sort a list chart section in the Splunk Observability Cloud Developer Guide.
リストチャートのプレフィックスとサフィックス 🔗
リストチャートの第2視覚エフェクト 🔗
Sparkline: Shows recent trends for each value
Radial: Shows a dial that marks where the current values are among the expected range of values
Linear: Shows a bar that marks where the current values are among the expected range of values
単一値チャート 🔗
Use single value charts when you want to see a single number in a large font that represents the value of a single data point on a plot line. In most cases, you use this type of chart to display important metrics as a single number.
For example, use single value charts in a summary dashboard shown on a wall TV. The dashboard can display the number of active hosts, active processes, or number of requests served in the past 24 hours.
単一値チャートのプレフィックスとサフィックス 🔗
単一値チャートの第2視覚エフェクト 🔗
Sparkline: Shows recent trends of the value
Radial: Shows a dial that marks where the current value is among the expected range of values
Linear: Shows a bar that marks where the current value is among the expected range of values
Best practices for single value charts 🔗
複数のプロットが「表示(visible)」としてマークされている場合、値はリスト内の最初の「表示」プロットを表します。例えば、プロット Aと Bが「表示」の場合、値はプロット Aを表します。プロット Aを「非表示(hide)」にしている場合、値はプロット Bを表します。
An especially useful option for this chart type is 値別に色分け, which lets you use different colors to represent different value ranges.
To display an accurate value, the plot must use an aggregate analytics function that generates a single value for each data point on the chart, such as mean, sum, max, and so on. If the plot line always reflects only a single time series, no analytics function is needed. However, this is uncommon.
ヒートマップチャート 🔗
Use heatmap charts when you want to see the specified plot in a format similar to the navigator view in Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring, with each square representing each source for the selected metric, and the color of each square representing the value range of the metric.
Heatmap charts help you identify values that are higher or lower than you expect.
ヒートマップチャートのグループ化 🔗
イベントフィードチャート 🔗
Use event feed charts when you want to see a list of events on your dashboard. An event feed chart can display one or more event types depending how you specify the criteria.
フィードに表示される情報をカスタマイズするには、ダッシュボードにイベントフィードチャートを追加する を参照してください。
テキストチャート 🔗
Use text charts when you want to place a text note on the dashboard instead of displaying metrics. The text appears in the same type of panel that Splunk Observability Cloud uses to display data.
Splunk Observability Cloud lets you use GitHub-style Markdown in your text.
テーブルチャート 🔗
Use table charts when you want to see metrics and dimensions in table format. Each metric name and dimension key displays as a column. Each output metric time series displays as a row. If there are multiple values for a cell, each time series displays in a separate row.
メトリック時系列行をディメンションでグループ化することができます。これを行うには、グループ化 メニューを選択し、行のグループ化に使用するディメンションを選択します。選択したディメンションの列が最初の列になり、テーブルの各行がそのディメンションの1つの値を表すように表示されます。
For example, group the table by the host
dimension to display the health and status of each host in your environment.
If you group by a dimension column that you’ve hidden, the column displays to accomplish the requested grouping.
After using the Group by option to group the table, there might still be more than one row per dimension value. This can happen if there are multiple values for a column per grouping dimension value. To resolve this, you can apply aggregation analytics to plots. For more information about aggregation, see データの集約と変換.
グラフィカルプロットエディタービューで、テーブルの右上付近にある歯車アイコンを選択します。列の表示/非表示(SHOW/HIDE COLUMNS) セクションで、列名を選択して列の表示と非表示を切り替えます。
を追加して、コメントアウトします。または、メトリクスを削除することもできます。ディメンション列を表示または非表示にするには、テーブルの右上付近にある歯車アイコンを選択します。列の表示/非表示(SHOW/HIDE COLUMNS) セクションで、ディメンション列名を選択して、列の表示と非表示を切り替えます。
「チャートビルダー」の右上付近にある アラート アイコン(ベル)を選択します。ディテクターのリンク を選択して、テーブルチャートを既存のディテクターにリンクします。チャートから新しいディテクターを作成 を選択すると、テーブルチャートとリンクさせる新しいディテクターを作成できます。
チャートから新しいディテクターを作成する方法については、チャートからディテクターを作成する を参照してください。