Docs » Manage alerts » Auto-resolve and Pop-out-of-Ack

Auto-resolve and Pop-out-of-Ack 🔗

Select Settings then select Alert Configuration. To pop out of ack, select Acknowledged incidents will return to triggered after and then a timeframe. To auto-resolve, select Auto-resolve incidents after and then select a timeframe.

Pop Out of Ack 🔗

In the midst of a major fire-storm (or in the middle of the night) it is possible for incidents that have been acknowledged to be forgotten or ignored. This feature allows admins to configure the amount of time an incident can sit in an acknowledged state before it is automatically re-triggered.

Check the box and select a time-frame and any incidents that have been acknowledged but unresolved for that time-frame will automatically be re-triggered. The incident will return to a triggered (un’acked) state and start again at the beginning of the escalation policy for the team that received the incident initially.

Auto Resolve 🔗

The Auto-Resolve function allows admins to automatically resolve any incidents that have been open longer than a configured time-frame.


Both of these features are global settings, which means that they will be applied to all incidents.

This page was last updated on 2024年07月02日.