Docs » Splunk Observability Cloud でサポートされているインテグレーション » Collectorコンポーネント: レシーバー » SignalFx Gateway Prometheus remote write receiver

SignalFx Gateway Prometheus remote write receiver 🔗

The SignalFx Gateway Prometheus remote write receiver is the OTel native version of the SignalFx Prometheus remote-write gateway. The supported pipeline type is metrics. See パイプラインでデータを処理する for more information.

はじめに 🔗


  1. Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector をホストまたはコンテナプラットフォームにデプロイします:

  1. このドキュメントに記載されているようにレシーバーを設定します。

  2. Collector を再起動します。

デフォルト設定 🔗

To use the signalfxgatewayprometheusremotewritereceiver receiver in the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector, add the following to your config file:


コンフィギュレーションを完了するには、コンフィギュレーションファイルの service セクションの必須パイプラインにレシーバーを含めます。例:

      receivers: [signalfxgatewayprometheusremotewritereceiver]

高度な設定 🔗

This receiver is configured through standard OpenTelemetry mechanisms. See Collector config go for more details.

You can configure the following parameters:

  • path. /metrics by default. The path in which the receiver responds to Prometheus』 remote-write requests.

  • buffer_size. 100 by default. Buffer for metric translations without blocking further write requests.

    • Use the Collector’s confighttp options to set up TLS and other features. See more at Collector config http .

  • endpoint. localhost:19291 by default. Interface and port the receiver listens to.

既知の制限 🔗

This receiver replicates the near-exact behavior of the SignalFx Prometheus remote-write gateway, with a few differences.

Differences with the Prometheus Remote-Write specification 🔗

This behavior differs from the Prometheus remote-write specification version 1 in the following ways:

  • This receiver doesn’t remove suffixes, as this is performed by the Prometheusレシーバー.

  • This receiver transforms histograms into counters.

  • This receiver transforms quantiles (summaries) into gauges.

  • If the representation of a float can be expressed as an integer without loss, the receiver sets the representation of a float as an integer.

  • If the representation of a sample is NaN, the receiver reports an additional counter with the metric name prometheus.total_NAN_sample.

  • If the representation of a sample is missing a metric name, the receiver reports an additional counter with the metric name prometheus.total_bad_datapoints.

  • Any errors in parsing the request report an additional counter, prometheus.invalid_request.

  • Metadata from prompb.WriteRequest is ignored.

Unsupported behavior from the SignalFx gateway 🔗

The following behavior from SignalFx Gateway is not supported:

  • request_time.ns is no longer reported. obsreport handles similar functionality.

  • drain_size is no longer reported. obsreport handles similar functionality.

トラブルシューティング 🔗

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Splunk Observability Cloudをご利用のお客様


  • Splunk Answers のコミュニティサポートで質問し、回答を得る

  • Splunk #observability ユーザーグループの Slack チャンネルに参加して、世界中の顧客、パートナー、Splunk 社員とのコミュニケーションを図る。参加するには、Get Started with Splunk Community マニュアルの チャットグループ を参照してください。

This page was last updated on 2024年07月25日.