Docs » Splunk Observability Cloud でサポートされているインテグレーション » Collectorコンポーネント: レシーバー » Snowflakeレシーバー

Snowflakeレシーバー 🔗

The Snowflake receiver collects metrics from a Snowflake account by connecting to and querying a Snowflake deployment.

はじめに 🔗


  1. Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector をホストまたはコンテナプラットフォームにデプロイします:

  2. 次のセクションで説明するようにレシーバーを設定します。

  3. Collector を再起動します。

サンプル構成 🔗

To activate the receiver in the Collector, add snowflake to the receivers section of your configuration file, as shown in the following example:


コンフィギュレーションを完了するには、コンフィギュレーションファイルの service セクションの metrics パイプラインに、レシーバーを含めます。例:

      receivers: [snowflake]

設定例 🔗


    username: snowflakeuser
    password: securepassword
    account: bigbusinessaccount
    warehouse: metricWarehouse
    collection_interval: 5m
        enabled: true
        enabled: false

コンフィギュレーション設定 🔗


  • account. No default. Specifies the account from which metrics are gathered from.

  • password. No default. Specifies the password associated with the designated username. Used to authenticate with Snowflake.

  • username. No default. Specifies the username used to authenticate with Snowflake.

  • warehouse. No default. Specifies the warehouse, or unit of computer, designated for the metric gathering queries. Must be an existing warehouse in your Snowflake account.


  • collection_interval. 30m by default. Collection interval for the metrics receiver. The value for this setting must be readable by golang’s time.ParseDuration. Learn more at GO’s time ParseDuration .

  • database. 'SNOWFLAKE by default. Snowflake DB containing the schema with usage statistics and metadata to be monitored.

  • metrics. Controls the enabling/disabling of specific metrics. For a list of available metrics see メトリクス. To learn more refer to Snowflake generated metrics in GitHub.

  • role. 'ACCOUNTADMIN' by default. Role associated with the username designated above. By default you need admin privileges to access most/all of the usage data.

  • schema. 'ACCOUNT_USAGE' by default. The Snowflake DB schema that contains the usage statistics and metadata to be monitored.

設定 🔗

The following table shows the configuration options for the Snowflake receiver:

メトリクス 🔗


トラブルシューティング 🔗

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Splunk Observability Cloudをご利用のお客様


  • Splunk Answers のコミュニティサポートで質問し、回答を得る

  • Join the Splunk #observability user group Slack channel to communicate with customers, partners, and Splunk employees worldwide. To join, see Chat groups in the Get Started with Splunk Community manual.

このページは 2025年02月11日 に最終更新されました。