Docs » Splunk On-Call integrations » Azure OMS integration for Splunk On-Call

Azure OMS integration for Splunk On-Call 🔗

Microsoft Azure Monitor allows you to gain visibility and control across your hybrid cloud with simplified operations management and security. This integration allows you to make use of VictorOps incident management for all your Azure alerts.

The following will guide you through the integration. Microsoft Azure OMS has been deprecated, but we will leverage the same endpoint in VictorOps with the below steps to receive alerts from Azure Monitor.

In VictorOps. 🔗

First you must enable the Microsoft Azure integration.

Select the Microsoft Azure OMS integration option.

Click Enable Integration.

Copy the Service API Endpoint to your clipboard. Make sure to update the Routing Key.

In Azure OMS 🔗

Logic App

Create a Logic App. The Logic App will serve as the central structure for the integration with VictorOps. Follow these steps:

  • Create a new Logic App by clicking the Create Resource button in the top left corner of the Azure Portal. You can equivalently follow the first couple steps in this documentation.

  • Name the application whatever you’d like, but preferably ‘VictorOps』

  • Select an existing Resource Group or create a new one

  • For now, at least, check the box to pin the application to the dashboard

  • Click create, it will now take a few moments to deploy

  • From the dashboard, select the Logic App you have just created.From the Logic App blade, select Logic App Designer

  • For the trigger condition, select “When an HTTP Request is received

  • Click New Step, select Add an Action

  • Select Request Response

  • image2

  • For now, you can just leave it as responding with a 200 status code

  • Click New Step, select Add an Action

Select HTTP - HTTP.

  • Method: POST

  • URL: VictorOps Azure Integration Endpoint (Previously copied)

  • Headers: Content-Type | application/json

  • Body:

{ “data”:“@triggerBody()”, “entity_display_name”:“@triggerBody()\[『data』\]\[『status』\]”, “entity_id”:“@triggerBody()\[『data』\]\[『context』\]\[『activityLog』\]\[『eventDataId』\]”, “message_type”:“@if(equals(triggerBody()\[『data』\]\[『status』\],』Activated』),』critical』,』recovery』)”, “state_message”:“@triggerBody()\[『data』\]\[『context』\]\[『activityLog』\]\[『properties』\]\[『responseBody』\]” }

  • The azure variables for each field can be changed for customized alerts in VictorOps. The azure variables include: timestamp, id, name, conditiontype, condition, severity, subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, resourceName, resourceType, resourceId, portalLink.

  • Below is the code view of the body. This is the best spot to edit the values in the payload

  • Once you finish editing the payload, double check all the values in the HTTP post action and save.

  • Back in the Logic App Designer and under the “When an HTTP Request is Received”, the url has now been generated. Copy this url to the clipboard.


In order to send requests to trigger the Logic App just made we can leverage the Alerting which is native to Azure’s Monitoring functionality. Follow these steps:

  1. From the left menu pane, select Monitoring>> Alerts >> New Alert Rule

  2. Define the alert trigger.

  3. Define the alert details with any name and description

  4. For the last step, select a New Action Group, this action group will fire a webhook towards your new Logic App.

    1. For all the names, fill in a value of “victorops”

    2. For the action, select webhook

    3. For the url of the webhook, paste the url copied earlier from the Logic App

  5. Save

Alerts should now flow into the VictorOps timeline based on the trigger conditions. If you have any questions, please contact VictorOps support.

This page was last updated on 2024年02月08日.